08/04/2009 @ 03:23 by Gary

My next project needs a circle drawn on the screen and I have taken a look at the code in IBClock, but I can't get it to work. I tried entering different numbers for H and M, but all that does is draw the hands of the clock not the circle.
_DrawClock: I=H : IF I>=12 LET I=I-12 I=M/60+I-3*PI/6 X=COS(I)*20+120 Y=SIN(I)*20+55 LINE 120,55 TO X,Y I=M-15*PI/30 X=COS(I)*25+120 Y=SIN(I)*25+55 LINE 120,55 TO X,Y I=S-15*PI/30 X=COS(I)*30+120 Y=SIN(I)*30+55 LINE 120,55 TO X,Y RETURN
I have a blank form defined and the code above in my code. At first nothing was printed on the screen. Then I gave H and M a value. It printed the hands of the clock not circle.
Can someone get me started? Once I get a circle to draw I can go from there.
Thanks Gary |