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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 257
Sujet n° 1620 |
le 15/09/2008 @ 19:24 par Roy sommers

I wrote a very simple program which has no Arrays in it, and only letters for number variables and A$ type symbols for text. The program runs properly and gives the right answers, but after it ends it prints: #ERROR: jUMP STACK OVERFOW# Does anybody know what might cause that, and how I can get rid of it. Thanks, Roy |
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 1 -------- le 15/09/2008 @ 22:27 par aldweb

visiteur |
Hello Roy,
Make sure that all your loops are correctly closed, that there are no missing ENDIF, RETURN... that kind of thing.
Here is some sample code that would for sure generate that kind of error message:
_Loop1: GOSUB _Loop2 RETURN
_Loop2: GOSUB _Loop1 RETURN This is quite obvious, it is much less in a complete and complex source code... 
Cheers, aldweb
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 2 -------- le 16/09/2008 @ 15:12 par Roy Sommers

visiteur |
I thought it was my sequence of if statements, but I replaced them with a case statement and got the same result. It turns out, that although I had an end statement I had not provided a pathway to it, so the program was ending with an error statement. A simple goto took care of the problem. Thanks,Roy |
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 3 -------- le 18/09/2008 @ 00:04 par aldweb

visiteur |
Good pick Roy, I forgot about the missing END statement hypothesis (or not reaching it somehow)...
You may have more than one END statement in your source code (but only one BEGIN, or to be more precise : only the last BEGIN found will be considered as the program's entry point by the iziBasic compiler, all other BEGIN statements are dismissed). So, instead of putting a GOTO to the END you put somewhere, you could instead include another END.
Cheers, aldweb
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