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- iziBasic
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Sujet n° 1566 |
iziBasic in Japan |
le 28/07/2007 @ 19:35 par aldweb

I received an e-mail from Tuka-san, who did a wonderful job of presenting iziBasic to the Japanese community and who translated the user manual to Japanese.
All of Tuka-san's work on this topic is to be found here: http://web01.joetsu.ne.jp/~ootuka/pa/iziBasic/iziBasic.htm You also might want to download and play with his applications Hit And Blow, Fuwafuwa, Maze, Maze 2D and Fight, of course all of them were developed with iziBasic. 
Thank you Tuka-san. 
Best regards, aldweb
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Réponse n° 1 -------- le 15/08/2007 @ 02:03 par Tuka

visiteur |
Hello aldweb,
I thank for your speedy work.
IziBasic simplified programming in a palm. Your splendid work made me happy. I am excited now. I am very happy.
Thank you.
Tuka |
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Réponse n° 2 -------- le 15/08/2007 @ 02:25 par Tuka

visiteur |
I release Fuwafuwa version 1.3. It is a one key action game. It supported a terminal except Japan.
You can download Fuwafuwa here: http://web01.joetsu.ne.jp/~ootuka/pa/db.htm#MyAP
I am glad when I have you enjoy it. Thank you.
Tuka |
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Réponse n° 3 -------- le 31/10/2007 @ 21:03 par Tuka

visiteur |
I release HitAndBlow version 1.2. HitAndBlow is a game which infers four digits. Please enjoy this game. Thank you.
Tuka |
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Réponse n° 4 -------- le 31/10/2007 @ 21:10 par Nate Weil

visiteur |
Great job tuka :) you should be hired
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Réponse n° 5 -------- le 31/10/2007 @ 21:35 par Tuka

visiteur |
Hello Nate,
Thank you. I accept contribution anytime.
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Réponse n° 6 -------- le 02/11/2007 @ 20:52 par Tuka

visiteur |
I release Fuwafuwa version 1.4. The 5-way navigator button was supported. Please enjoy this game. Thank you.
Tuka |
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