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Sujet n° 1561 |
No message and no error messages! |
le 20/07/2007 @ 15:11 par roy sommers

I'm a beginner and started with file of 2050 text phrases which read properly, but don't show up when I try to read one in the following program, which runs, but gives neither error messages for reading, nor a response in the message box: ' Maxima.ibas {CREATORID "MAX1"} DIM A$(100) BEGIN OPEN "AUTH1" FOR INPUT AS #1 INPUT #1,A$ M=MESSAGEBOX(A$,0) END |
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Réponse n° 1 -------- le 20/07/2007 @ 18:55 par JoeV

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Hello Roy,
I have just tried your program and it runs fine on my palm. The problem must be with your data file AUTH1. It must be of type DATA. Also, your program only reads the first record of the text file and then exits. Try reading other records. Perhaps your first record is a <CR> or a null record.
Regards, JoeV
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Réponse n° 2 -------- le 20/07/2007 @ 19:18 par JoeV

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I have changed the file type to something other than DATA and noticed that Roy's program runs equally well. I do not have SECUREFILES turned off. I must be misinterpreting your manual.
Thanks, JoeV
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Réponse n° 3 -------- le 21/07/2007 @ 01:10 par Roy Sommers

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Hello JoeV, The file was produced by Power Basic as a sequential data file having a .dat extension. In word pad it is a column of text phases with evenly spaced quotation marks bounding the column. I tried a number of conversions, but if that is the problem, they apparently don't work. There are too many phrases to type them in. I have tried the program with multiple reads. Thanks, Roy |
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Réponse n° 4 -------- le 21/07/2007 @ 02:27 par JoeV

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It sounds like your file is in the wrong format for IziBasic to read. You should not have to retype your text strings. I have needed to do something similar. Here's one way to do it.
If your data file is not in palm db format you will need to convert it to .pdb using TL-PDB or similar, then hotsync it to your pda. In IziBasic you can then use INPUT$$ to read in 4096 byte chunks. To get your individual text strings you will then have to search for your boundary chars. Read up on megastrings in the manual.
Hope this helps. JoeV
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Réponse n° 5 -------- le 21/07/2007 @ 17:39 par Roy Sommers

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Thank you JoeV, Converters like TL_PDB do not work unless you have a proper .txt file to start with. Do you know how to convert a .dat file to a .txt file? This has to be my first step. Roy |
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Réponse n° 6 -------- le 22/07/2007 @ 02:38 par JoeV

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Hello Roy,
Since you were able to read the file in wordpad it is probably already an ascii text file. In which case all you have to do is change the extension. Otherwise, there is a "save as" option in wordpad to convert it to text. You can also view it with a hex editor to verify that it is indeed a text file. If you do not already have PSPAD, I highly recommend it.
Regards, JoeV
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Réponse n° 7 -------- le 26/07/2007 @ 15:27 par Roy sommers

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Hi JoeV, The file is a sequential file with the data delimited by commas,and any strings are enclosed in double quotes. I've tried many converters; .dat to .txt, txt to doc, txt to pdb, doc to pdb, and shortened the file for testing to 6 strings. Apparently izbasic reads files quite differently than Power Basic because none of the pdb files would read in a tested iz program. I think I'm going to switch to NS Basic/Palm and see if I can do it there. Thanks,Roy |
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Réponse n° 8 -------- le 26/07/2007 @ 15:42 par aldweb

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I have changed the file type to something other than DATA and noticed that Roy's program runs equally well. I do not have SECUREFILES turned off. I must be misinterpreting your manual.
Hello JoeV,
Let's be very clear: you cannot misinterpret, you're too good for that! Then, my explanations in the manual might not be clear enough... 
SECUREFILES OFF is meant to protect from writing (APPEND, RANDOM and OUTPUT modes) by checking a given CreatorID ("LDIB"), but you are allowed to read (INPUT mode) any type of PDB file ("DATA" type or anything else). Is it more clear this way?
Cheers, aldweb
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Réponse n° 9 -------- le 26/07/2007 @ 15:47 par aldweb

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Hello Roy,
Files in Palm are stored in a very different way compared to files in a PC. All .dat (which seems to be a .csv file by the way, as what you say about it), .txt, or whatever are to be converted and stored in the standard PDB format (PDB stands for Palm DataBase). iziBasic does nothing else but use this standard PDB format, like all other Palm applications do.
Why don't you send me your file, or an abstract of it, so that I can convert it for you?
Cheers, aldweb
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Réponse n° 10 -------- le 26/07/2007 @ 19:08 par aldweb

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I just found back this very good page: http://pilot-db.sourceforge.net/toolsdoc.htm The 2 paragraphs to read are CONVERTING TEXT FILES TO PALM PILOT FORMAT and CONVERTING PALM PILOT FORMAT DATABASES BACK TO TEXT FILES.
Cheers, aldweb
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