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Sujet n° 1416 |
Resources... How it works? |
le 23/05/2006 @ 16:46 par Adi Corrales

Here I go again ;)
Ok, I know I can find the answer in the Palm Source page, but I want to know If somebody can explain this to me as If I was 5 years old (actually, i'm 29 ;) )
How the resources files works (for images)? Here is what i got: I'm trying to put a background Image in a form, with all the fix labels in it, in order to not have a lot of objects. I have my jpg, 16 bits 300x300, etc. I Use Tbmpedit to create the resource, and with Bird, I put in my app resource file. I compile my form with Vizibasic, and It works fine.
Now, I have a lot of qestions of troubles I got in the way to get it: First, In Tbmpedit, the app thel me that the picture was bigger than 65K so I suggest me to reduce size or compress. My jpg is just 7k! Why is TBmpedit Telling me is bigger?
Well, I found that if I compress the image, I can create the resources, But there is three or four optios to compress... I have no idea what do every one...Can Anybody please explaine me? Wich is better for images?
In the end the final form compiled with nothing but the image and some labels is aprox 250k. Bigger than Izibasic itself! Is there anyway toreduce the size? (because if I continue adding things, I'll finish with a 10Mb app, isn't it?)
So, as you can see, I just understand NOTHING about the resources files. I'm just following a test and error to get the results, but If somebody know where can I find some tutorial or something, I would appreciate a lot the help.
Thanks and see you around! |
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Réponse n° 1 -------- le 23/05/2006 @ 17:44 par bh77a

visiteur |
Hi Adi,
Here is what I can contribute... hopefully this will be of use to you:
- jpg is a "lossy" format meaning that alot of the image data is stripped, which is why a jpg might be 7 kb but the same image might be 400 kb as a bitmap... Palm uses a type of bitmap (I think)
- no single resources can exceed 65 kb (actually not true as Alex Pruss, developer of mySkin, was ably to bypass this but he is much smarter than I), but for practical purposes this is true
- instead of using 16 bit, try using 8 bit when you can... this will reduce the size greatly and most of the time the difference isn't able to be noticed
- use single density bitmaps (72 dpi) when possible as this will decrease the size as well
- by default the os uses the 160x160 coordinate system and hi-density (320x320/hi res) is only enabled at certain moments
- a simple white bitmap of 72 dpi, 160 x 160 pixels is approximately 25000 kb on my TX (created with BIRD)
- use smaller dimension-wise images and tile them next to each other, this will allow for 16 bit and 320x320 when needed... this is how skinning programs such as ZLauncher, PocketTunes, SilverScreen all work
Hope that this is of use to you. If you have any questions, please post and I can answer better this evening...
bh77a (another 29 year old iziBasic user)
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Réponse n° 3 -------- le 23/05/2006 @ 21:30 par Adi Corrales

visiteur |
mmmmm, Well, I tryed to use a 160x160 Image (150x150 actually) But It appears to small in my screen... How can I do that the 160x160 fill the the 320x320 screen in my T5? Is there a flag or something that tell to Vizibasic that the image should use all the screen?...
Also, I'm tryed to use 8 bits Single density, but TbmpEdit crash every time I tryed to save it... I will send a report to the author, but for now, I'm afraid I'm sticked with Double density. I will try to modify my original image to see if that helps. I will try to use bmp's instead jpg's...
I don't care about a big resolution or so, because is just a Background, so I don't care if is not a perfect image. I will read all that you recomend and try to understand this... Thanks
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Réponse n° 4 -------- le 24/05/2006 @ 22:26 par aldweb

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Well, I tryed to use a 160x160 Image (150x150 actually) But It appears to small in my screen... How can I do that the 160x160 fill the the 320x320 screen in my T5? Is there a flag or something that tell to Vizibasic that the image should use all the screen?...
Read the documentation I suggested you. You will see that a bitmap resource should include the image for the different resolutions you want to address. Then the IMAGE instruction will know how to manage the bitmap resource and display the adequate one.
So, what happened there to you is that you designed a 150x150 image for high-res, not a 150x150 for low-res, this is why it appears so small.
Cheers, aldweb
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 5 -------- le 24/05/2006 @ 22:29 par aldweb

visiteur |
And also to help you, you have this post from our good friend bh77a that he forwarded to me by e-mail because my anti-spam/-hackers/-idiots system stopped him from posting by mistake.
Hi Adi,
I have tried the following steps on my TX with 320x480 screen (like t5) and the image fills the screen. This will not fill the DIA area, but Khertan has code for it so that it can be managed (http://www.khertan.net). If you need help with dia management, post and I can post my skeleton code that works Khertan's code into an actual application. Anyways, here are the steps for you to try...
- open BIRD - tap Database List (menu) - tap New Database - name = yourappname.rsrc - creator id = same as your app - type = rsrc - make sure resource db is clicked - click ok
- double click on it in the list at the left to open (quickly) - tap new - select bitmap - tap new - set properties as - w=160 - h = 145 - dpi = 72 - d = 8 - tap ok
- double click 8-72 in list at left - draw image that fills area... scroll to make sure something fills all corners - tap done - tap ok
- click on tbmp 1000 in list - tap on id field... change to 110 - tap apply - tap done
- open vizibasic - change project headings to --- your app name --- crid = same as rsrc file --- resource... tap + and type rsrc file name --- save
- insert image id 1 x position 1 y position 25 x width 160 y height 145 tap ok
- compile
This should give you a simple app that displays the bitmap that you created, filling most of the screen. If this doesn't work for you, please post and I will see what can be done.
Regards, bh77a
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 6 -------- le 25/05/2006 @ 02:20 par bh77a

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Hi Aldweb,
Thank you for posting the information from my message :)
Hi Adi,
Hope that you get this alright. If you would like, I can upload my rsrc, vizibasic file and compiled prc so that you can examine them.
Regards, bh77a |
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Réponse n° 7 -------- le 01/06/2006 @ 03:19 par Adi Corrales

visiteur |
Ups! I'm a little short of time this weeks (You know, some times you have to spend your time in that thinks that make you earn some money to buy that wonderful apps as izibasic ;) ) And I have no time to test this, but I'll try as soon as I can... I let you know wath happen.... |
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