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active  Topic # 1410  Insert a Background Image

19/05/2006 @ 23:42
by Adi Corrales


Hi Again. I was trying to solve this for a while, but I can't found an answer. Is there a way to import a BMP to bird, or to Vizibasic? I draw a bitmap that I want to use as a background in a form, but I can't figure how to insert it in Bird, or in Viziform.

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Answer n° 1
19/05/2006 @ 23:52
by aldweb


Hello Adi,

Give a try to TbmpEdit (
Store your BMP file on your SD card, then ask TbmpEdit to convert it as a resource to the Tbmp format to put in a resource file. Quite not intuitive to use TbmpEdit is also not 100% stable, but I always succeeded to convert my BMP images using this open source application.

Maybe other people use other smarter software for this purpose?


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Answer n° 2
20/05/2006 @ 01:08
by Adi Corrales


Well, I just Can't. I have My Tbmp in my .rsrc file, but I can't make that ViziBasic display It. I can See all the 40 default images, I assign the PWG.rsrc (my resource file) in ViziBasic, I assign all kind of numbers to my Tbmp ID in Bird (1,10,50,100) But I just can see the 40 images or a box with the image icon... I don't know wath I'm missing... Any Idea?
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Answer n° 3
20/05/2006 @ 19:33
by bh77a


Hi Adi,

I tried inserting a Tbmp image into a resource file and then adding the image in ViziBasic. ViziBasic seems to create a place holder for it. Try compiling and see if the image is displayed in the resulting prc file.

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Answer n° 4
21/05/2006 @ 22:33
by aldweb


Yes, this is exactly it, Vizibasic does create a place holder for the image, but it does not read the image from the resource file to display it.
It would be much better if it would... I will think of it for the next version which was almost done and ready to be made public before you gave me this idea!


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Answer n° 5
22/05/2006 @ 01:57
by Adi Corrales


je,je! some people is going to blame for the delay, but I think that is gonna be great to visualice better the forms. Thank you for your help.
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Answer n° 6
22/05/2006 @ 18:28
by aldweb


Hello Adi,

Nevertheless, apart from the image itself, you already get an idea of how it will be in the screen with a full size square representing the image's footprint.
That's already not so bad... (just saying because I know the extra work I'll have to put in coding to get the real image display, but I like it, don't worry, it will be done someday).

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Answer n° 7
23/05/2006 @ 15:49
by Adi Corrales


Talking about the image in the full background.... There is a problem to select it for edition if I use a size of 320x320. THere is no way to make the selection, because there is no free place to start the window. So once you put your image, you can not edit it! I'm actually usion Image of 300x300 in order to have a small space so I can get the frame.
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Answer n° 8
23/05/2006 @ 17:50
by bh77a


See my post in the other thread regarding resources.

Try moving your image down below the menu/title.
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Answer n° 9
23/05/2006 @ 19:38
by aldweb


Next version of ViziBasic will have a way to work on resources getting out of the bounds of the screen, something that is indeed not possible at the time being.

Using 320x320 images is not recommended at all. A 320x320 image is 4 times the size of a 160x160 one, which is the "standard" Palm OS resolution (low cost devices of nowadays still use this low resolution) and for a background image this is a waste of space.
Indeed, read bh77a's explanations in Topic #1416 as well as my proposal for some online documentation.

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