le 03/05/2006 @ 16:39 par bh77a
I have just uploaded a sample demonstrating drawing ellipses with iziBasic. The code is hopefully optimized as much as it can be for fast drawing. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to modify the WinDrawRectangle API reliably (any ideas welcome) and couldn't follow the MidPoint Ellipse Algorithm, so this is kind of a variation of sine, cosine and the midpoint algorithms draw method.
Download is available here: http://geocities.com/bh77a/palm_stuff/ib_code_ellipses.html
*sorry, links do not seem to work on Safari (Mac)
Hope that one finds it useful. It seems to draw fast on my TX, but if anyone sees a method for improvement, please let me know. As always, this is free to use.
Regards, bh77a |