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Sujet n° 1388 |
Why izibasic over pp compiler? |
le 21/04/2006 @ 17:54 par Adi Corrales

Ok, I'm not a total newbie in programming, but I'm in Palm programming. I'm chossing a languaje to program onboard. As this is almost a hobbie, I don't think I'm ready to start with C. In PC I like to program with Visual Basic (in Sharp Develop) And once I did try some Delphi. I'm sure I like more Basic than Pascal (well, visual Basic than Delphi), so I was locking for some Basic interpreter for the Palm. But Now, I found izibasic, but found PP compiler too, so I Don't know what are the advantages of izibasic over PP, considering that PP is free, faster and practically, the "father" of izibasic, but, I think, harder to use and (maybe) unsafer for my palm. I'm still locking for a Basic Interpreter, but I don't mind to learn pascal if I need... So, Why Izibasic over PP? |
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Réponse n° 1 -------- le 21/04/2006 @ 18:35 par aldweb

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Hello Adi,
I wouldn't say that iziBasic is "over" PP. These 2 tools are quite different even though very close in the way that iziBasic was developed in PP. Let me try to give you pros and cons in a few lines, knowing that my own opinion is of course somehow not very objective...
PP: = Pascal syntax + real 68k/ARM compiler, so fast execution + access to all Palm OS APIs - Palm standard programming, which is quite time taking to develop programs' skeletons - can be quite frustrating when discovering Palm programming (but just like C or many other compilers)
iziBasic: = Basic syntax - 68k runtime compiler, so slower execution, routines requiring fast execution can still be written using PP applets - access to all Palm OS APIs but by using PP applets (so you also need to learn PP for the missing API calls) + quick developing especially by newbies in Palm programming + ViziBasic add-in to develop GUI programs
So, now, what do I do? I usually code my major projects in PP (iziBasic itself of course, SysInfo) but tend to develop more and more using iziBasic (TCtools, ViziBasic itself) & quick PP applets. Another example: Khertan started with iziBasic and he now tends to migrate his major project(s?) to some PP only code.
Others thoughts would be great my friends.
Cheers, aldweb
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 2 -------- le 21/04/2006 @ 20:18 par Ktimaster

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I think that the Best Advantage is that iziBasic is a Rapid Application Development tool. In English that means that you can develop an application in 1/10 the time it would take to make it in PP or C. However iziBasic is in a sence Limited, that is augmented with the Useage of "Applets" which do use Object Code to Run. There are Pros and cons to Both Platforms. Besides it takes about 60 lines of code to simply "Beam" a File to another Palm, It takes only 2 in Basic to do the Same. iziBasic does have one advantage over other Basic Development Platforms. It does produce a "Stand-Alone" File, This means tou can give it to friends and Sell it without packageing it with a Bulky Runtime Shell. PP Programs also (Normally) Dont require a Runtime Lib unless you want it too. Trust me, I have been a member for a While here, I have seen iziBasic Evolve. And the Cust Support isnt Bad either |
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Réponse n° 3 -------- le 21/04/2006 @ 23:57 par Adi

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Well, I was playing with PP and I see your point... Is not as easy as I tougth. I just Purchase izibasic and vizibasic, so I think you gonna hear from me in a future, when I get lost in code jejeje! Thanks! |
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Réponse n° 4 -------- le 22/04/2006 @ 00:55 par Ktimaster

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He is Converted, Welcome to the Dark Side |
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Réponse n° 5 -------- le 22/04/2006 @ 06:02 par bh77a

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iziBasic is great due to the fact that it is a RAD tool, as mentioned above. If you don't ever have to extend its functionality with PP applets, it is VERY easy to learn. If you have to work with PP applets, it gets a little steeper of a learning curve.
To really get a feel for the two, try writing a code skeleton in each (I have done both) and you will appreciate both, but you will use iziBasic on a day in/day out basis. My PP skeleton when printed is about 8-10 pages and my iB skeleton is 1-2 pages (if that long as I have never printed it). |
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Réponse n° 6 -------- le 22/04/2006 @ 18:35 par KTimaster

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Do yOu mind shareing your Skeletons
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Réponse n° 7 -------- le 23/04/2006 @ 04:52 par bh77a

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Definitely not a problem. I will load them up tomorrow (Sunday, 4/23) and post here when done. I will also be posting a small PP applet that allows for date / time string formatting.
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Réponse n° 8 -------- le 23/04/2006 @ 17:41 par Ktimaster

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If you want an FTP Area, You can use my domain, contact me Via e-mail |
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Réponse n° 9 -------- le 23/04/2006 @ 17:54 par bh77a

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Thanks for the offer... I am uploading them to my Yahoo site (corny but get's the job done). If need be, I might take you up on the offer in the future.
The iziBasic applet for date/time string handling is here: http://geocities.com/bh77a/palm_stuff/ib_applet_datetime.html
The sample PP code (skeleton, GUI and clock) are here (see respective links): http://geocities.com/bh77a/palm_stuff/home.html
Early next week I will finish up the iB skeleton and post it.
The source code on some of these might be a little rough... especially in the PP skeleton as there is quite a bit of //code left in to enable for handling of lists, forms etc when needed. If you have any questions about any of the code, please let me know. You are free to use it any way that you want. |
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Réponse n° 10 -------- le 23/04/2006 @ 17:58 par bh77a

visiteur |
Me again...
Forgot to mention that much of the library code in PP_Lib_xxx is a modification of Lychee code with kind permission of PalmIpod. Much of the other routines are those found in source on the forums of PP and the sample source, just dumped into handy files for my brain to remember where they are. |
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