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Topic # 1373 |
Categories in memos |
13/03/2006 @ 20:23 by Joshua Cook

Is it possible to limit the INPUT command to a specific category? For example, I want to see a list of memos that are in a given category. I would suggest something like this sample from iziBasic 6.0 (see additions to line with OPEN on it):
' MemoTitles.ibas {CREATORID "ReMT"} {VERSION "1.0"}
BEGIN E$=CHR$(10) OPEN "MemoDB" CATEGORY "text" FOR INPUT AS #1 <-- Note addition of CATEGORY keyword N=LOF(#1) FOR I=1 TO N A$="" INPUT #1, A$ IF A$<>"" THEN L=LEN(A$) : B$="" : C=0 FOR J=1 TO L C$=CHAR$(A$,J) IF C$=E$ LET C=1 IF C=0 LET B$=B$+C$ NEXT PRINT B$ ENDIF NEXT CLOSE #1 WAIT END
I guess I am asking for a feature request. If this is possible some other way currently, I would like to know about it. Thanks for any help you can give! I am a registered user of iziBasic 6.0.
Joshua Cook |
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 1 -------- 15/03/2006 @ 12:27 by aldweb

visitor |
Hello Joshua,
The databases structure in Palm OS are not stored anywhere. All records are saved as raw records and the split of a record among fields (or categories) is provided by the application itself. Of course, this could be included in iziBasic, for the "standard" PIM applications (but there are not so much anymore with all extensions provided by Palm for the address book for instance), with some basic reverse engineering from the source code of these applications as it is provided in Palm's SDK. But, I do not plan to provide this feature "natively" in iziBasic, it is up to the developers to dig into 3rd party databases with iziBasic's statements (or some PP applet for the hard work).
As the MemoDB is concerned, records are just the plain text of a memo and the name of categories are stored in the AppInfo block of this MemoDB file, with a structure I don't remember. Accessing the AppInfo block will require a PP applet. Then, I don't remember at all how the link between a memo (so a field of the MemoDB file) and its category (the AppInfo block in the MemoDB file) is stored. Maybe someone else can help?
Cheers, aldweb
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