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active  Topic # 1372  Color Question

07/03/2006 @ 20:44
by Nevin


Is there a standard color code that I can use for "white" that will cover Palm OS 3.0-5.0 or do I have to have my program do a series of checks with if statements to check the screen so that it will cover older versions of Palm OS that may not support as many colors.

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Answer n° 1
07/03/2006 @ 22:28
by aldweb


"white" is not always the right backcolor as color themes can be applied to all color devices (native in the new ones, with some third party tools for earlier color devices).

The COLOR(0) function retrieves the backcolor whatever the device's screen capabilities. So there is no need for complex checks.
For example, give a look to the NekoCat sample program (a "white" square is drawn over the cat or the mouse when it moves to erase its previous status), or to the Matches sample application (matches are also erased a similar way), or even to the iBPlot sample program (this time, the whole drawing area is refreshed with a similar way of doing).

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