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active  Topic # 1311  Programmatically select contents of a field

05/12/2005 @ 02:49
by Richard


I would like to select all the contents of a field programmatically. I can see where it might be nice to be able to select only a portion of the field as well.

Visual Basic has SelectionStart and Selection Length.

I have not seen anything similar in iziBasic. FIELDCOPY and FIELDPASTE only copies / pastes what has already been selected.


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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 1
05/12/2005 @ 11:41
by aldweb


You are 100% right Richard. Overall, Fields management is still a little bit weak in iziBasic.

In addition to some SelectionStart and SelectionLength Visual Basic like statements, are also lacking some scrolling capabilities (in relationship with a scrollbar), some words and lines counts, getting to know the cursor position...

This is already in my to do list. To be honest with you and all other iziBasic users, I do not know when I will have time in the near future to work on enhancing iziBasic, especially in this area. So, I will provide you with my easy answer: consider "PP applets" for these needs. Then, I would be more than happy if you share them with me, because it really helps me enhancing iziBasic much faster afterwards.

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Answer n° 2
05/12/2005 @ 15:19
by Richard


**I have not spent a lot of time looking at PP -- so maybe it is more obvious than I know**

I would like to give the SelectionStart and SelectionLength a try - if I knew where to start.

I wonder if you or *someone else* (I know you are busy) could put together some helps for interfacing iziBasic with PP. The learning curve seems to be high.

iziBasic seems to be an easier package to get started with -- good examples and good documentation.

PP documentation seems to include the compiler instructions, a list of palm specific functions and a reference to the standard Pascal langauge.


**is this the correct place and the best source for documentation?

Maybe a forum and file section for this subject, Enhancing iziBasic with PP, would be helpful. Maybe, overtime, some examples and tutorials -- simple, medium and advanced would become available.


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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 3
05/12/2005 @ 17:58
by aldweb


Hello Richard,

I think that coding with PP is at least one level ahead, if not two!, of the one required to code with iziBasic. And, I agree that the learning curve is rather high at the beginning, but it is worth it at the end.
For instance, Khertan started with iziBasic, then he developed a few PP applets, and finally for one of his projects which requires a lot of low-level accesses (his kLauncher project) he switched to PP after having built the concept with iziBasic.

I think that iziBasic can already cover most of what a developer needs. For instance, ViziBasic is 99.9% made with iziBasic. The 0.1% made with a PP applet is just a very small piece of code to have DOC files recognized by DOC readers.

Overall, the principle is the following:
1. use iziBasic for maybe 90% to 99% of the coding
2. use a PP applet for what requires high speed execution/calculation, or for very specialized things... or to compensate some of iziBasic's weaknesses...

To get started with PP, you will need:
1. indeed some Pascal knowledge ;
2. the SDK from PalmSource with all PalmOS APIs that may be invoked ;
3. read the PP sample applications (I wrote most of them and you will easily find that many of them are also those provided with iziBasic: NekoCat, Numerus...) ;
4. get the help from the PP Compiler forum, there are many PP developers around too and they are all very nice helping people.

Khertan started to provide some PP applets examples (it's in French but with some online translator, you should get to understand):
and here:
I also provided one here, some time ago:
And, Khertan again, gave us a code snippet here not long ago:

I was thinking, not later than a few weeks ago, about trying to have all these first pieces of information and knowledge gathered together in an area of this web site.
If anyone feels like helping the iziBasic growing community in this area of PP applets, I would be more than happy.
Currently, I am too much overbooked to really find the time to help you as much as I would want to (this is a pity and I apologize for this).

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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 4
06/12/2005 @ 15:00
by Richard


Thank you very much ... I'll get busy reading and fiddling.

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