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Topic # 1305 |
Wish:External Images |
30/11/2005 @ 04:33 by Ktimaster

Well I am back... I just started a new job as a Computer Security Specialist and have been swampted. I guess thats what I get for bieng an ambitious 20 year old. Training is Hard so I have been able to only 'peek' into this site. Now onto business... Could I make a wish for the next Version of IziBasic. I am making a program and I would like to make it 'skinable' without having the GUI Generation housed in a seperate, 'replaciable' PRC. I would like to see if it would be possible to call external images and other 'elemenmts' from an external .pdb or .rsrc file. Possible example below(Picture 300 as the Image number in Both Resources)
e$=FINDFIRST('TYPE', 'CRID') IF e$="" GOTO _GenerateBuiltinSkin _ExtSkin: OPEN e$ FOR INPUT AS #1 'rsrc file EXTIMAGE #1, e$,300, X, Y, L, W Return _GenerateBuiltInSkin: IMAGE #1, 300, X, Y, L, W Return |
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Answer n° 1 -------- 30/11/2005 @ 19:34 by aldweb

visitor |
Good idea indeed Ktimaster.
I already thought about it (but not to the point of implementing it). For instance, other resources could be interesting too like string resources (for language "skinning") and probably a few others.
Cheers, aldweb |
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Answer n° 2 -------- 30/11/2005 @ 20:09 by Khertan

visitor |
You could easily do that with pp applet ... i ve do this when i ve started dev of kLauncher with iziBasic ... i ll drawing icon from other programm from their taib 1000 ressource (icon ressource) it s also possible to get anything you want ...
just use this function in a pp : procedure drawExtBitmap(PRCName:string;idBMP:UInt16;x,y:UInt32) var MyBMPH:MemHandle; MyBMPP:MemPtr; x,y:UInt32;
gDatabase:DmOpenRef; IdDataBase:LocalID;
begin IdDataBase:=DmFindDataBase(0,MyPRC); if IdDataBase<>0 then begin gDataBase:=DmOpenDatabase(0,IdDatabase,dmmodereadonly) MyBMPH:=DmGetRessource($7441492,idBMP); if (MyBMPH<>nil) then begin MyBMPP:=MemHandleLock(MyBMPH); WinDrawBitmap(MyBMPP,x,y); MemHandleUnlock(MyBMPH); DmReleaseResource(MyBMPH); end; end; end;
if i ve some times i ll make a tutorial with explanation on my web site ... |
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Answer n° 3 -------- 01/12/2005 @ 01:52 by ktimaster

visitor |
Thanks for that sample code... However Aldweb had another Great Idea for making 'Language Packs'. I doubt I will use it for that but it would be a nice thing. I know that this was left out on purpose but Mabey you can re-concider allowing us to open .prc files to store the data internally rather then using .pdb files for data storage. And it would be nice to add other data types then simple strings.(ie taib, tain, code, def) Khertan, At one time, I belive it was you who said this, Diddnt you say that you had a pp code that was designed to allow basic netlib functions. Can you post it here so we may find what is wrong with it and mabey make a working fragment. I am simply looking to create a small basic program to send my address book on my palm to a secured location on my website. And be able to recall (Download) it if I loose my Data. |
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Answer n° 4 -------- 01/12/2005 @ 17:37 by aldweb

visitor |
tAIB is nothing else but a Tbmp, which is itself nothing else but a formated MegaString (if image size < 4 KB). tFRM is nothing else but a formated MegaString (if form size < 4 KB which is almost always the case). tAIN is nothing else but a string. code is nothing else but a MegaString. And so on 
I am not trying not to allow you to open resource files in iziBasic, PP applets as Khertan demonstrated it above are especially made for these very specific needs.
Cheers, aldweb |
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Answer n° 5 -------- 01/12/2005 @ 18:23 by Ktimaster

visitor |
Have you concidered adding the EXT resource for creating skins on the next build? |
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Answer n° 6 -------- 02/12/2005 @ 05:37 by KTimaster

visitor |
But the problem is nameing it using an iziBasic Program. I want to avoid too much Pascal |
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Answer n° 7 -------- 04/12/2005 @ 22:20 by aldweb

visitor |
Hello Ktimaster,
Sure, I considered it. I more or less always try to do unless I give a definitive NO answer, which was not the case this time ... and which is not often the case! You guys provide me with lots of great ideas... and, as a consequence, with a lot of work!
It is somewhere in my to do list, not in high priority so far...
@+ aldweb |
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