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active  Topic # 1288  PB with Izibazic & DIA zone !

14/11/2005 @ 19:20
by eric


I dont know why but sometimes I open IziBasic & the DIA zone is not showing completely (about half from the bottom to the top)
& sometimes it show completely!?
I have a T3 Izibasic 6.0 and the originel skin for DIA modify a little to have black letters & numbers.
I dont have this issue with other soft.

Thank you
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 1
14/11/2005 @ 21:17
by aldweb


Hello Eric,

This is strange, iziBasic does not deal at all with the DIA for any device. It just works with some standard Palm OS APIs for managing 160x160 standard resolution or 320x320 high resolution, never does it work with the 320x480 high resolution APIs (which are specific APIs to Palm, not standard ones provided by PalmSource).
I also never faced this issue with the Palm T3, T5 or TX simulators (all close devices for this display topic).

Now, everything is always possible!
But, I will need your help to understand when it happens. "Sometimes" does not give me a single clue!
Try to see what you did just before it happens:
1. did you use specifically one application just before launching iziBasic? (because some apps leave some "orphans" in heap memory and iziBasic uses as much as possible of the heap memory, according to what the device can offer in this area)
2. did you work with the DIA just before?
3. did you open the keyboard in the DIA just before?
4. that kind of things to check...


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