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Topic # 1228 |
Problem with Full-Version on NZ90: MS corrupted |
11/07/2005 @ 10:47 by BOBELE

I have some severe problems with the full version on IziBasic on my Clie NZ90:
I tried the Demo-Version of IziBasic 5.2 for some days and liked it alot. I just copied the prc-File to the Launcher-Directory on the Memory Stick, user Documents to Go to write my code, compiled successfully several times... that was, when I decided to buy the full version.
I deinstalled the Demo-Version and put the full version on the stick. It started, compiled code, but when I exited it, it came on with an error and required a reboot. After that the MS was corrupted and had to be formatted. I tried again with the same results.
This makes me wonder:
Must IziBasic be installed in the internal memory or should one be able to run it from a MemoryStick?
Does this problem occur to someone else?
Does the same problem when running IziBasic from internal memory corrupt this as well?
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Answer n° 1 -------- 11/07/2005 @ 11:43 by BOBELE

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Some more Infos:
The Error is someting with MemoryMgr and "Invalic Chunk"... As I did whatever possible back on the stick I hope I do not have to crash it again to get the exact error-message for you to answer.
And: The problem did not only occur after compiling code. It was enough just to open IziBasic and close it again.
I´m really afraid now to install it on the machine itself. And as the NZ90 has not too much memory, I hope I do not need to. There´s only 3,5 MB free now.
Thanks for any help... |
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Answer n° 2 -------- 11/07/2005 @ 15:20 by aldweb

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iziBasic is "certified" to work in the main memory storage. I have never tried myself to run it from an external card. This is why there is no indication about it in the user manual, also because running an application from an external card is not the standard and supported way in Palm OS.
What you tell is interesting: the trial version would work from an external card, not the full version. It gives me a clue of where to search for in order to have it run also from such a card.
Cheers, aldweb |
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Answer n° 3 -------- 11/07/2005 @ 17:15 by BOBELE

visitor |
Thanks for your answer.
I´m at home now, backupped everything and tried to install the file "tho normal way", double-clicking it and hotsynching to the NZ90.
The very first start resulted in the same problem. I had to reset the Clie, no data-loss this time.
But I still cannot use it. The Demo-Version was perfectly fine, though. What can I do to give you the possibility to dig into the problem? What info would you need?
Thanx |
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Answer n° 4 -------- 12/07/2005 @ 09:59 by aldweb

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I checked thouroughly in iziBasic's source code: it never accesses the external cards APIs, really nowhere. So, I just cannot get an idea of why you got your MS card corrupted 
Then, I did a quick search why the trial version would work and not the full version when exiting to go back to the launcher. I so far found no difference in this procedure between the 2 versions 
At this stage, I wonder if there is not some incompatibility with one of your other software. The hard thing will be to figure out which one if this is the case.
The only way to test it is the following: 1. Check one more time that the trial version works correctly (just hotsync it on top of the full version) 2. Backup all your data, at least twice (HotSync after making sure that the backup flag is set for all files & built-in Sony's MSBackup or any other backup software of your choice) 3. Hard reset the device (yes, erase all applications and data!) 4. Install only iziBasic + 1 source code, test... 5. Reinstall one by one the applications, test iziBasic each time... 6. Report your findings 7. Hard reset the device 8. Restore your backup I have to say that this is not a very friendly procedure. Please only do it if you are very confident with your backup/reset procedure and full reset of your device.
Meanwhile, a few questions to try to find out usefull clues: 1. Did you install the same full version on top of the demo version or was it a newer version? 2. Does compilation go to the end and the crash only occurs when exiting iziBasic? Can you compile twice in a row (so not exiting iziBasic) without crashing? 3. If compilation goes to the end, does the compiled application run without crashing? 4. What happens if you enter in iziBasic, do nothing or a few things but compiling (see About box for instance) and exit without compiling any source code? 5. Do you use hacks? DAs? that kind of resident software?
Thank you for your understanding. We will find where the issue is, even though I have not the appropriate fix yet. Otherwise, of course, I would reimburse your purchase (you may ask for it anyway).
Cheers, aldweb |
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Answer n° 5 -------- 12/07/2005 @ 10:41 by BOBELE

visitor |
Again thanks for your answer. As I like iziBasic very much, I would like to give whatever you say a try first before asking for an exchange.
I will try hardresetting it when I´m home again, probably tomorrow evening, following you test-scenario and reporting back.
For now I can answer to some of your questions, perhaps this gives you another clue:
First let me tell you some more details about the Memorystick-Corruption-Problem. When iziBasic crashed and I had to reboote the machine, it was OK after that most of the time but once. What I was able to see is, even if iziBasic did NOT crash, after exiting the application the Memorystick behaved strange. When clicking the Icon in the taskbar it dows not show it´s name anymore and appeared to be empty. Icons of Applications in the Launcher-Directory of the Stick are no longer shown on the Clie. I had to reset the machine to get access to it again. I´m not completely sure, but I think I can remember that the dataloss occured when I did not reset the machine but just took out the MS to try if reinserting it would also solve the problem.
For your questions:
1. Both versions, demo and full, were v5.2 2. I did just one compile with the full version, but it worked ok. At first, iziBasic just seemed to crash when exiting. That is, as long as it was installed on the Memorystick. I did about 15 Tests, of which ca. 5 resulted in iziBasic being closed correctly but the MS being not accessible anymore (as described above) and about 10 times crashing the machine. After I installed it in the machines memory I found a new behavior: The crash occured instantly when starting iziBasic, at least once. The second try got it started an crashing the machine on exit. 3. I did not try running an application compiled with the full version yet. I will try the next time. Applications compiled with the demo worked of course. 4. Problems seem to be completely unrelated to compiling. Its opening and closing iziBasic. 5. There are no Hacks or anything special installed on my machine. The only things installed are some Sony-Patches for the NZ90, the NetFront Browser and PicselViewer that came on the machines CD and Documents to Go 6, which I purchased later. Thats it for the Clie. There is Filez and Bejeweled on the Stick, but this should not interfere with iziBasic, especially as the Problems occured even when the stick is taken out. (btw. I´m not sure if this is of any improtance, but all Tests with iziBasic installed on internal Memory were done with no Stick inserted.)
If it would be of any help, I could email the Backup MS-Backup created just before I installed iziBasic to you. Should be not to big when zipped.
Thanks |
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Answer n° 6 -------- 12/07/2005 @ 12:03 by aldweb

visitor |
Thank you for all these precisions, it sure does help me a lot!
The Memory Stick corruption issue appears much clearer to me now. Indeed, a MS should never been taken off in case of a crash as Palm OS cannot manage correctly the closing of the VFS (Virtual File Manager) when it is itself not in good shape! This should be a correct explanation.
I know one case when iziBasic could crash when being launched (this is already fixed in the next release being developed): the MemoDB must be initialized, meaning that before using iziBasic the Memo Pad application should be opened at least one time, even if not adding any memo to it. If this is the case (especially after a hard reset), open the Memo Pad and exit immediately from it before launching iziBasic for the first time.
That could potentially fix your main issue.
The Backup MS-Backup could indeed be very useful, furthermore it would avoid you to do all of the testing (and I usually do not like to harass my gentle users with this kind of tests!), but this would require me to find the emulator for your exact Clié NZ90 device. This will not be a so easy task to perform anymore since Sony closed all their Palm online resources  If you send me this backup, I of course promess not to look into your personal data and to remove all files from my computer as soon as I will not need them anymore.
Cheers, aldweb |
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Answer n° 7 -------- 12/07/2005 @ 13:24 by BOBELE

visitor |
>Indeed, a MS should never been taken off in case of a crash as Palm OS cannot manage correctly the closing of the VFS (Virtual File Manager) when it is itself not in good shape! This should be a correct explanation.
Oh. I did not know this by now. Sorry I blamed iziBasic for it. But good to know, prevents me from doing this again 
Please check your info@aldweb.com account, I mailed the backup to you.
Thank you  |
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Answer n° 8 -------- 12/07/2005 @ 13:51 by BOBELE

visitor |
I found a ClieSimulator with wich I was able to reproduce the problem. I sent you a Mail on this, too, and attached the Simulator.
It´s quite a big file, gmx says it has sended it, I hope it arrives. If you do not get a second mail, just tell me please and I will try to spit the archive...  |
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Answer n° 9 -------- 13/07/2005 @ 03:29 by aldweb

visitor |
Thank you Bobele for the files I have received thanks to your patience for sending them over 
For everybody's information, I tested iziBasic when being installed on an external card on my Tungsten C and it works very smoothly with no trouble at all. So, I will update the user manual accordingly for the next release.
We are currently investigating with Bobele about the crash very weird issue he has, but it does not appear to be related to iziBasic being installed and used from an external memory card (MS, SD...).
Cheers, aldweb |
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