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Topic # 1221 |
Newbie |
29/06/2005 @ 14:17 by Watts

I have never really done any palm programming but I done allot of programming with several different flavors of BASIC. In izibasic how do you get a second window to open(or even invoke one) and add controls to it and be able to close that and return to the first one. I am having trouble opening another program from a program that I have generated. If anybody could direct to some simple code examples or a collect of public domain snippets that I could to my collection of tools other than the ones that came with the full version of izibasic. Also it would be nice if there was a PC based editor that I could use that was izibasic specific. |
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Answer n° 1 -------- 29/06/2005 @ 16:56 by aldweb

visitor |
Hello Watts,
In izibasic how do you get a second window to open(or even invoke one) and add controls to it and be able to close that and return to the first one.
Here, you have 2 options:
#1. iziBasic "native"
The principle in iziBasic is that all of the GUI work is done in one main form. So, to switch from one screen to another one, you have to work this way: 1. Create your GUI objects for screen 1 2. When you want to switch to screen 2 the first time, HIDE all objects of screen 1 and create the GUI objects for screen 2 3. When you want to switch back to screen 1, HIDE all objects of screen 2 and SHOW objects of screen 1 4. When you want to switch to screen 2 again, HIDE all objects of screen 1 and SHOW objects of screen 2 ... and so on, having an events management loop to provide this move between screens!
The NekoCat sample program shipped with iziBasic is a very good example of this way of doing with a main form displaying a little cat running after food and an options form to change the cat's behavior.
#2. iziBasic + Palm resources
With BIRD or RsrcEdit, you create a resource file. In this resource file, you create a form and all of its objects. Then you include this resource file in your iziBasic project with the RESOURCEFILE compiling directive. Calling this form is made with the OPENFORM statement and, to come back to the main form, you call the CLOSEFORM statement.
I am having trouble opening another program from a program that I have generated.
Maybe, check the syntax you used for the RUN statement.
If anybody could direct to some simple code examples or a collect of public domain snippets that I could to my collection of tools other than the ones that came with the full version of izibasic.
Please, allow me to tell you to give a look to the source code examples shipped with iziBasic, for instance NekoCat 
There are also other great sample software on this page.
Also it would be nice if there was a PC based editor that I could use that was izibasic specific.
I agree! ... even though coding directly on a real device with the resulting possible crashes and soft resets can be so much fun 
Apart from kidding, anybody could add very quickly the right code syntax highlighting plugin to a software like PsPad. Used in conjunction with TL-PDB for instance to build the DOC file format, that could make it. The ultimate editor would offer both code syntax highlighting and direct editing of a DOC file... but I do not see one yet around 
Cheers, aldweb |
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Answer n° 2 -------- 29/06/2005 @ 19:40 by Khertan

visitor |
Cheer aldweb ...
If you can make us a great compiler like iziBasic ... i thinck you can also do some thing like compiling source from vfs ... could you a thing like that ... it ll be wonderfull ... 
i explain ... :
- I open my all plateform editor named iziEditor with iziBasic syntax highlight and completion. And i open directly my doc (palm doc format) directly from my mounted t5 from the usb port.
- i same the modified code source ...
- run the T5 to compile ... :)
Is it possible ... why ? The yes need the no to win against the no !
Sorry for my poor tired english after a day of full work.
So in french ...
Si tu nous permet la compilation depuis la vfs ... soit une carte d extension sur le palm ...
Je serais ravi de faire un editeur de .doc palm avec coloration syntaxique pour iziBasic et completion ... et pourquoi pas une aide aux commande :)
Voili voilou ? C est faisable ? prévu dans la version 6 avec laquelle tu t'amuse actuellement ?
hihi :) |
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Answer n° 3 -------- 30/06/2005 @ 16:15 by Watts

visitor |
I am having great success hiding controls. I am also having some luck using BIRD to generate forms. I am having trouble understanding some things. Like for instance why doesn't this work. Assume I have generated two text fields for the user to input numerical values into. The handles for the fields are #1, and #2.
TEXTFIELD #1, "VALUE 1", 5, 5, 50, 10 TEXTFIELD #2, "VALUE 2", 5, 5, 50, 10 A$=FIELD$(#1) B$=FIELD$(#2) C$=A$+"/"+B$ C$=STR$(VAL(C$)) MESSAGEBOX (C$,0)
Why doesn't the message box display the correct numerical result?
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Answer n° 4 -------- 30/06/2005 @ 19:47 by Khertan

visitor |
I ve just read your code .. At this time it display in the box :
isn't it ?
So i think you want to do divide Value1 by Value2 ...
So you must know that VAL instruction convert a value in a string in its numerical way of store.
So if you want to divide it ... you should do :
TEXTFIELD #1, "VALUE 1", 5, 5, 50, 10 TEXTFIELD #2, "VALUE 2", 5, 5, 50, 10 A$=FIELD$(#1) B$=FIELD$(#2) A=VAL(A$) B=VAL(B$) C=A/B C$=STR$(C$) MESSAGEBOX (C$,0)
:) You loose  |
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Answer n° 5 -------- 30/06/2005 @ 20:53 by Watts

visitor |
Next Question. How do you evaluate a function at a single point in the form of a string. Say f(x)=sin(x),x=pi/2 for instance. |
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Answer n° 6 -------- 30/06/2005 @ 21:08 by aldweb

visitor |
See Topic #1219 - text input to equation.
Yes version 6.0 is under process, with really great enhancements and, for once, I must confess that I am very proud of myself! 
I have found a very smart way to develop on a PC: use PsPad in conjunction with a small Text to DOC converter, and the Palm Emulator/Simulator I will add the iziBasic configuration file for PsPad and an appendix to the manual which will explain how set up the environment.  So, I shall bypass your offer and not add the search for iziBasic source codes on an external card  Apart from kidding, should I do it by requesting to put all source codes in a specific directory (like /PALM/iziBasic/ ?) to avoid having to scan the whole card (which would be very much time consuming at iziBasic's launch)?
@+ aldweb |
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Answer n° 7 -------- 30/06/2005 @ 21:19 by Khertan

visitor |
Hum ... i ve already starting to develop the editor ... :)
But i think an editor for native palm doc will be usefull ...
i m implementing the palm doc format in it ... at this time it s a simple text editor in java.
I ll add color syntaxing ... and maybe many other things.
I think using an xml for color syntaxing for JEdit will be very simple to do too.
So for the search in a VFS ... right do it like all other program ... in /PALM/iziBasic ... (in the two expansion card, T5 have INTERNAL and the sd card).
Thanks ... Ps : could you tell me by mail what do you add to iziBasic v6 ? to not add function with pp that will already be implemented ? (if you don t i ll look to Piaf code source :) ) |
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Answer n° 8 -------- 30/06/2005 @ 21:43 by aldweb

visitor |
if you don t i ll look to Piaf code source :)
You are a very smart guy 
So, let's play a little bit: give a look to Piaf's source code, make your guesses and I will answer you with complementary information 
@+ aldweb |
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Answer n° 9 -------- 30/06/2005 @ 22:04 by aldweb

visitor |
A first clue that you will not see in Piaf's source code: your iziDateBook plugin should no more be required 
@+ aldweb |
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Answer n° 10 -------- 30/06/2005 @ 22:53 by Khertan

visitor |
"Smart guy" yes :)
humour humour ....
I think i need to learn a little more english ... it s seem that i don't be able to translate fun from french to english ...
Fr : Désolé je disais ca en blaguant ... j'espere quet u ne l'a pas mal pris. |
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