15/03/2005 @ 17:44 by Montalvo

This is a suggestion for all of us using and developing applications with iziBasic: "Let's promote it!"
iziBasic is a great tool, aldweb has worked very hard to create it, and to support it. If we support him promoting this project, then...
... we could be confident that we have one of the best tools for developing all kind of applications for PalmOS
... PalmOS platform will benefit and we ensure his permanence, because we will be creating more applications, and this will be attracting more people to this kind of devices
... more people will discover how easy is to create his own tools. Most people are just consumers, but iziBasic could change this because of his simplicity. Im sure that many people will became creators with less effort and faster
So, my suggestion is: If we distribute a new application developed with iziBasic, then just add a simple sentence somewhere...
"Made with iziBasic"

Greetings from México!