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active  Topic # 1168  Combining PP with iziBasic

14/03/2005 @ 15:57
by Joshua Cook


In reading the manual for iziBasic 5.0 (which I recently registered - great program, by the way) I read with interest about the use of either Armlets or PP code segments being used from iziBasic. In reading the manual, it seemed to indicate that it is possible to actually combine such a file (Armlet or PP code segment) into the iziBasic compiled file, thus resulting in a single PRC file that could then be easily distributed. However, all of the examples that I have seen thus far (including the one that come with iziBasic) seem to be written in such a way that there would need to be 2 files installed on your Palm in order to run them. I am wondering if I understood the manual correctly and if it is possible to create 1 file that contains PP or Armlet code all incorporated into an iziBasic program. I know you can do this with bitmaps and it seems to me like you ought to be able to do it with PP code as well. Please let me know if I am correct. If I am, could anyone post some sample code that shows the correct syntax of the RESOURCEFILES directive or what should be used to make this happen? Thanks for a great program!
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 1
14/03/2005 @ 16:40
by Khertan


Hum ...

I think you must have two file, one compilated by iziBasic, the other by ppcompiler ...

Each one don't understand code from the other ...

But maybe aldweb make some compilation directive to encapsulate pp code wich be compiled by pp at the end of the compilation of iziBasic source code

But it s very not necessary ... Two files is the right way ...
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 2
14/03/2005 @ 17:28
by enotar


After the compiling the basic program folowed by the compiling of the applet,I think you can delete all the files but the standalone .prc resulting program.And it work alone.
Am I right?
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 3
14/03/2005 @ 21:22
by aldweb


A "PP applet" just injects one code segment to a PRC file generated by iziBasic.
This is why there are 2 steps: first iziBasic, then PP.

But, once your PP applet is fixed and no more needs to be updated, you may very well copy & paste the PP code segment to a resource file (with Bird or RsrcEdit for instance).
Then the RESOURCEFILE directive of iziBasic will inject this code segment together with the other resources each time you compile your iziBasic project.


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