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Sujet n° 1136 |
How do I update to v5 ??? |
le 27/02/2005 @ 19:30 par Joaquin Agüera

Hi there !
I've recently bought version 4.2, and now I would like to update to version 5.
How should I do the update process ? I bought the software from PalmGear but there doesn't appear a download link for me
Thanks in advance ! |
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Réponse n° 1 -------- le 27/02/2005 @ 21:17 par aldweb

visiteur |
Hello Joaquin,
I sent the upgrade to all registered users by e-mail the very evenning that version 5.0 was released. For this purpose, unless otherwise noticed, I use the e-mail address that was given at purchase time to PalmGear or Handango.
I didn't find you (I did a search on your first name and e-mail address) among the current PalmGear registered users.
So, drop me an e-mail with all your purchase information from PalmGear so that I can send you the upgrade.
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 2 -------- le 28/02/2005 @ 01:23 par Joaquin Agüera

visiteur |
Hi again ! In this note I send you the details about my order. It was placed on February 10th, 2005 at 08:30 AM. The order number is [REMOVED FOR USER PRIVACY PROTECTION]. Now I give you my name and address as printed out from PalmGear's billing summary:
My email is : [REMOVED FOR USER PRIVACY PROTECTION] (the same I used when registering... hhhmmmmm).
I didn't receive an order confirmation from PalmGear as always happens, but anyway I was able to download the full version 4.2. So in my opinion there has been a mistake somewhere between PalmGear and me, and finally I don't appear on PalmGear 's web as a registered user. What's more just when I bought your software we were talking in this forum (a question about variables' lenght) and you told me about the new version and all that stuff. So please let's work together so I can test then new version... I'm anxious !!!
Thanks in advance !
P.D.: In my Tungsten T5 izibasic works as a charm... keep up the good work !
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Réponse n° 3 -------- le 28/02/2005 @ 16:55 par aldweb

visiteur |
OK, thanks for the information Joaquin. I'll investigate and drop you an e-mail.
Advice: don't put personal information like address, even e-mail address on an open forum like this one. Internet Robots love to scan those and your personal information could end up in a spammer listing 
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 4 -------- le 02/03/2005 @ 14:33 par Andre Fernandes

visiteur |
I bought iziBasic 4.2 at the site Kandango in 18/Fev/2005 and not received upgrade email, too.
André Fernandes |
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Réponse n° 5 -------- le 02/03/2005 @ 20:29 par aldweb

visiteur |
The upgrade was sent to you at the e-mail address you used to buy iziBasic. Would you wish me to send it to another e-mail address, please let me know.
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 6 -------- le 04/03/2005 @ 21:06 par Andre Fernandes

visiteur |
Hello Ald,
I sent for you others valid emails.
I believe the Pobox Antispam has deleted your last message. I'll verify this problem.
André Fernandes |
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Réponse n° 7 -------- le 04/03/2005 @ 23:01 par aldweb

visiteur |
Hello André,
I tried to send you version 5 to the 2 e-mail addresses you sent me, but I got the following error messages in return: "Remote host said: 554 This server does not accept messages from servers in SPAM Black Lists" "Message from x.x.x.x rejected based on external blacklist" So, I understand that I am blacklisted in Brazil! 
I'll need another e-mail address I guess... Cheers
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 8 -------- le 07/03/2005 @ 16:10 par Andre Fernandes

visiteur |
Hello Ald,
I created an email in the hotmail web mail.
I believe this email is nor blocked by black lists (
André Fernandes
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Réponse n° 9 -------- le 07/03/2005 @ 17:37 par aldweb

visiteur |
OK Andre, I will try to send you the update with this new e-mail address tonight. Stay tuned! And thank you for your patience.
Cheers, aldweb |
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