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active  Topic # 1127  Breaking the image limit in resource & Buffer Screen

24/02/2005 @ 18:06
by Lugato


Hi there,

I´m developing a little action game and there are 2 questions to do:

1- Is it possbile to store a 320x320 image in a resource file ?? Using Pirlc when i generate the resource it gives me a message saying that the .bin isn´t more than 65000 bytes... im my tests a single bmp with 160x160 8bits (13kb) after converted to resource gives me a file with 56kb !!

2- I´m using tiles to draw the screen, the routine to do this is ok.. but I can see the process of drawing .. maybe using a backbuffer will speed up the process.. The problem is .. :) to create a backbuffer I need to create an array with X,Y,Pixel Color and to draw the buffer I need to use a for-next loop.. it´s very slow :( Can Anyone give a better solution to do it ????

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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 1
24/02/2005 @ 20:26
by Leonard Zajaczkowski


Hello Lugato.

For the first part of your question, in pilrc, you can use the FORCECOMPRESS command to get the size of your image down. However, if you are using 144 density and 16 bpp than you may have a problem with size. If the image is not to far over the the 65kb limit it should work OK.

As for the second question, I have found that izibasic is not tailored for action games. But, that doesn't stop me from trying... if I come up with anything, I will let you know.

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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 2
25/02/2005 @ 00:04
by aldweb


Indeed, action games usually require quite a lot of low level Palm programming and I agree that iziBasic is, so far, not tailored for such kind of games.

I am not a specialist at all of such games. So, would you give me a few hints and clues of what they need and I will study the opportunity to enhance iziBasic in this area.


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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 3
25/02/2005 @ 09:10
by Alexandre



Justement ça m'interesse de savoir comment on fait grosso-modo pour mettre une image dans un tampon et la réutiliser ?
Quelqu'un peut-il m'aiguiller ?
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 4
25/02/2005 @ 22:08
by aldweb


For an unknown reason, the following message from Lugato did not appear correctly here... as I guess it was meant to be in discussion thread (quite obvious!)

aldweb Site - Forum Publishing at 25/02/2005 @ 17:49.
Submitted by : Lugato

Message : Ald,

To do simple games we need little functions like :

You can create a Pascal type with:
ID => ID of the sprite
X => position X in the screen
Y => position X in the screen
Active => true if the sprite is active
Colide => true if the sprite still coliding with other sprite
FrameIDs => array with the images IDs of each animation frame that will create a Sprite animation
where: (0 = element 0 in the array ... N=element N in the array)
Max frame => Max value of frame
Actual frame => it represents the actual frame of a sprite


CreateSprite(ID,aray of iamge ID)
- to create a Sprite objetc

- to remomove a sprite

- to duplicate a Sprite object to a new one. The new Sprite will receive all characteristics of the original Sprite object

MoveSprite (ID,X,Y,Frame)
- to move sprite in the screen and change the frames in the animation

ColideSprite (IDSprite1,XSprite1,YSprite1,IDSprite2,XSprite2,YSprite2)
- verify colision between 2 Sprites Objetcs and return true if colided.
other ideas for colision detect :

To simulate the moviments in the games, we need create a buffer screen that represent a second screen to draw. When we move a sprite or a image in the screen, first we set the program to draw in this buffer area (Backbuffer) and after all objects are putted in the buffer screen we do the program get the buffer screen and put this in the screen. The Flip need wait the retrace of screen or wait X miliseconds to prevent the flicker effect.


- with this command you set the program to draw all the sprites, images, etc in a buffer screen.

- with this command the program get the buffer screen and put this in the screen

Ald, if you need I can explain each one with more details ok

see you


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