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Sujet n° 1112 |
Seeting Highres |
le 18/02/2005 @ 16:41 par Lugato

I was tried to set the highres mode (320x320) in my Zire 71 and in the Palm os emulator too.. but don´t work 
The code :
BEGIN H=HIGHRES(1) image 2001,0,0 a = waitevent END
can Anyone tell me if exist anythig wrong in the code ??
thx |
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 1 -------- le 20/02/2005 @ 16:31 par aldweb

visiteur |
The code seems OK.
Is your image specifically designed for high res? Otherwise, if low res is detected, IMAGE will automagically display it in low res...
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 2 -------- le 22/02/2005 @ 13:51 par Lugato

visiteur |
Thanks ald,
I´m using Pirlc to create my resource files and after reading the doc I change the script to create the resource to this:
where the 144 is the setting to create a highres image.
;) |
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 3 -------- le 22/02/2005 @ 15:04 par Khertan

visiteur |
144 DPI for highres and 72 DPI for lowres |
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Réponse n° 4 -------- le 22/02/2005 @ 15:17 par aldweb

visiteur |
I have never created high res bitmaps with Pilrc. How do your images end up in BIRD on the device?
You may also give a look to my NekoCat sample program: I have separated low res images from high res ones, bacause I wanted to have smaller images in high res.
So, I now remember something like all your images should have the same size or same size factor (x1 for low res, x2 for high res) within a bitmap family to be displayed correctly. To be checked!
Cheers |
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Réponse n° 5 -------- le 22/02/2005 @ 21:41 par Mike

visiteur |
Correct (or it is correct for program icons anyway).
When I drew the hi-res iziBasic icon, it needed to be twice the size (in pixels) of the existing lo-res icon so that it was displayed centrally on the launcher screen. It also needed a low-res icon of the right size to be present in the 'family' otherwise it didn't work.
Mike |
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