Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 2 -------- le 13/02/2005 @ 17:05 par aldweb
visiteur |
You may work different ways, knowing that the ASCII code for "¶" is 182.
A$="Hello¶Bye¶See you" can be written:
A$="Hello"+CHR$(182)+"Bye"+CHR$(182)+"See you"
You may also use some software on the Palm device, like (for those I use): 1. AsciiChart (stand alone software) 2. AsciiPopDA (a DA plugin) 3. AsciiPopHack (a Hack) Then, you can copy a character in the clipboard, and paste it back in your source code.
If you have a Tungsten C, the "¶" is accessed directly from the virtual keyboard, in the [Sym] area (which is added to the standard [abc], [123] and [Int'l] areas). Sorry, I did not know that this [Sym] stuff was not standard...
@+ aldweb |