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active  Topic # 1098  How do I enter the 'New Line' character

13/02/2005 @ 07:25
by Karan


In izibasic, LISTCHOICE and some other commands use the '¶' character as a separator. I cannot find this symbol on the Palm (or even the PC) keyboard. How do I enter it, short of using the symbol command of MS Word and copy/pasting it?
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 1
13/02/2005 @ 14:30
by Larry


If you know the decimal value, you can hold down ALT and type the value on the number keypad and let go of ALT, this is on the PC.

Are you using TLPDB?
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 2
13/02/2005 @ 17:05
by aldweb


You may work different ways, knowing that the ASCII code for "¶" is 182.

A$­­="Hello¶Bye¶See you"

can be written:
A$­­="Hello"+CHR$­­(182)+"Bye"+CHR$­­(182)+"See you" 

You may also use some software on the Palm device, like (for those I use):
1. AsciiChart (stand alone software)
2. AsciiPopDA (a DA plugin)
3. AsciiPopHack (a Hack)
Then, you can copy a character in the clipboard, and paste it back in your source code.

If you have a Tungsten C, the "¶" is accessed directly from the virtual keyboard, in the [Sym] area (which is added to the standard [abc], [123] and [Int'l] areas).
Sorry, I did not know that this [Sym] stuff was not standard...


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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 3
14/02/2005 @ 04:50
by Larry


So if you are working on a PC (Like I do for izibasic). Press and hold ALT key and type 182 on the number pad and let go of ALT.

Do not try:
print ­="Hello"+CHR$­­­­(182)+"Bye"+CHR$­­­­(182)+"See you"

izibasic you have to load it in a variable first. If programming on the palm os.
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