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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 257

actif  Sujet n° 1040  PIAF Question

le 07/01/2005 @ 00:01
par Chuck


My appologies if this is not the correct place to ask this question. I could not find a forum on PP or here about PIAF. Since I use it for iZiBasic, I thought I would try here.

I now have a Treo 650 (because the boss said so). I cannot figure out how to enter text in PIAF. Before it was simple graffiti entry. On the Treo, there is no Graffiti area. There is a tiny keyboard. Unfortunately, PIAF seems to ignore entry from the keyboard.

Any suggestions?
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 1
le 07/01/2005 @ 00:05
par Chuck


Sorry, I found the correct forum. Please delete this thread.
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 2
le 07/01/2005 @ 09:48
par aldweb


No, Chuck, I won't delete it.
Because it gives me the opportunity to say a few things.

PIAF is part of the Palm OnBoard Pascal compiler (so called "PP") project which has its web site here:

And PIAF indeed has its dedicated forum here:

I have always been a very active member of the PP development, the very first one who encouraged its brilliant author, Philippe Guillot, to keep working on his great onboard Pascal compiler.
So, all the work I did on PIAF was put on the PP web site, where it belongs to be.

You will find that the PP web site and mine use the same CMS engine, so called GuppY. GuppY started all here, on my web site and for the purpose of my web site with the miniPortail name. Since then, it became a real open source and very active project. Would you wish to publish on the web your great software made with iziBasic, I can then only highly recommend you to give a look to GuppY. This was already the case for many well known French Palm developers.

iziBasic itself was then built with the PP compiler, using PIAF for editing the source code and launching the PP compiler.


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