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active  Topic # 1029  2 Q's (Font and Aboutbox)

31/12/2004 @ 11:54
by Alex


I have been trying out you're izi basic program and find it very easy to learn. I have never programed before and i dont know the basic language but after looking at the manual, a few sample apps, and basic guess and check i was able to make a small clock program. I just have a couple questions. First, is there a way to make the font really big? I would like the time and date to fill nearly the entire screen so you could see it from a distance. I have used setfont=7 but that is not as big as i could of hoped.

My second question is about the capacity of the aboutbox. When i write "ABOUTBOX blah" it works fine but if it is too long i get a "Simple Statement too long" error. Is there any way to make the about box more than 2 lines? Also another question about about box's, in you're sample app's in the upper right corner there is an "i" button, and when clicked it brings up an about box with some info in it, but when i look at the code i can not find that text in the box anywhere. Where has it gone?

Thank you
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 1
02/01/2005 @ 20:46
by aldweb


Hello Alex,

Thank you for your very nice comment about iziBasic.

Now, to answer your questions:

Next release of iziBasic (v4.0), to be made public within a few days, will let you use customized fonts. So, you will be able to use an even bigger font than the default ones.

You can use ABOUTBOX with up to 3 variables.
So, to avoid the simple statement to long issue, here is a sample code:
CONST A$­­="My AboutBox "
CONST B$­­="is beautiful. "
CONST C$­­="Thank you iziBasic!".
ABOUTBOX A$­­+B$­­+C$­­

The AboutBoxes used in my sample apps are customized windows, built thanks to a resources editor (like RsrcEdit or Bird) and then integrated to the iziBasic project thanks to the RESOURCEFILE compiling directive. They are then called with the NOTICEBOX() function.


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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 2
05/01/2005 @ 17:36
by Alex


How would i go about setting a font to take up the entire screen in version 4.0? Iv tried a couple new SETFONT statements, but none of them are any bigger than SETFONT 7. Which one is the largest or how could i make one really big?
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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 3
05/01/2005 @ 18:28
by aldweb


Hello Alex,

You have to design a CUSTOM FONT or use an already built one, but custom too, as none of the built-in fonts seem to fit your requirements.

Designing a font is a little bit a off topic here, especially because I do not know how to do that!
But, with a little search on the web, you should find either tools to design your very big font or some fonts ready for use (either free or to buy).

Then, use a tool like BIRD or RsrcEdit to move the font resource to a "NFNT" type with a "130" FontID. And your font will be available with SETFONT.


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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 4
06/01/2005 @ 00:06
by aldweb



While surfing on the web tonight, I did not forget your topic.
Here is a link that might be of interest for you:


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