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Sujet n° 992 |
Strange interaction with PIAF editor |
le 24/11/2004 @ 19:41 par Chuck

I am using PIAF to create my 400+ line source code. When compiling, iZiBasic will indicate an error on some random line and show garbage characters on that line. I immediately go into PIAF and there are no such characters in the file. I have played with combinations of renaming the file, copying the file and reseting my palm with random success. Sometimes simply going back to iZiBasic and compiling works.
It appears that iZiBasic is having trouble reading my doc file. What do I need to do to be able to compile consistently? |
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Réponse n° 1 -------- le 24/11/2004 @ 20:11 par aldweb

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I have to admit that I had once exactly the same trouble. So, I tried to isolate the DOC file and to study where the trouble was. But, badly, before I found the reason of this strange side effect, the DOC file worked again just fine and I could never reproduce the trouble. Then, I could never figure out, nor solve this weird bug.
So, if you don't mind, could you please send me your source code (in a blocking stage) so that I can study again this thing?
Then, as from my current understanding, the trick is to insert a few characters just before the line returning garbage characters at compilation time. In order not to interact with your source code, insert one comment character + a few characters.
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 2 -------- le 25/11/2004 @ 08:31 par gmigueis

visiteur |
Hi have experienced the same! While I can not scientificaly isolate the cause, I am using some app switch software and each time that I switched from PIAF to iziBasic with some gesture, I got that weird characters in the compiler output! This has been completely eliminated since I started to exit PIAF by saving the file and returning to the Palm OS default launcher.
Hope it helps! |
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Réponse n° 3 -------- le 25/11/2004 @ 10:00 par lol

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Pour moi c'est idem avec piaf. Il me semble que les problèmes sont de plus en plus fréquents aprés 450 Lignes.
C'est totalement aléatoire. J'ajoute une remarque avec quelques caractères. PARFOIS cela fonctionne. Parfois, car de plus en plus fréquement imposible de compilé.
il arrive que le compilateur (izibasic) affiche des caractères n'ayant rien a voir avec le contenu de la source.
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Réponse n° 4 -------- le 25/11/2004 @ 22:16 par aldweb

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I just spent one hour trying to get this bug again, working on gmigueis' iziForms source code (as I got it once with this source code)... and I just cannot succeed to get it back.
So, please, my friends, if you ever get it again: 1. you see the garbage characters in iziBasic's compilation 2. exit from iziBasic 3. don't go in your DOC editor 4. isolate your DOC file by any mean and please send it to me 5. you may play again by using one of the given tricks
I promess that I will not steal your source code. Ask gmigueis, I usually just try to help  But, I really need to have one or more samples of DOC files with which the bug appears to figure out where I made a border error in my iziBasic source code.
All I know for now is that it happens only with long source codes which use more than 1 record of 4096 bytes in the DOC file.
In advance, thanks for your help. Cheers,
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 5 -------- le 26/11/2004 @ 22:06 par aldweb

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GOOD NEWS, I have found this weird bug and I just fixed it  It "only" took me 3 hours tonight 
Thanks to Chuck who sent me his source code, without it I would have never found.
The case was happening in some cases (but not always) if the last bytes of a DOC record of 4096 bytes were a comment not breaked into the beginning of the next record! If the break between records was not after a comment, the bug would never happen.
Hopefully, Chuck comments a lot his source code (something I never do as you could see in the sample source codes shipped with iziBasic, this is bad I know!), so his long source code was very helpfull to me. And, I would never have searched for such a weird reason!!! 
Chuck, By the way: I just gave a quick look to your source code, for finding where the bug was. And then I spent 2 hours between 2 lines of your code and my iziBasic source code, so I have no idea of what your code does, nor did I execute your software when it would compile fine. I could only see that your coding manner is very clean. Good job  So, now I am curious  Would you allow me do give a look to it? Don't hesitate to say no, I would then delete it right away from my PC (this is my "customer privacy policy").
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 6 -------- le 26/11/2004 @ 22:23 par aldweb

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I forgot to say that I will release very soon a minor version upgrade because of this bug and also because of a few other things... that you will discover then 
I still a few things to fix for making it public. Do you agree to wait until somewhere next week?
@+ aldweb |
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Réponse n° 7 -------- le 27/11/2004 @ 05:30 par Chuck

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Feel free to use my code any way you would like. I really appreciate you taking the time to dig into this. For me, I will wait as long as you need to deliver the upgrade. I am thankful you solved the issue so quickly. This is a great program with outstanding support.
The actual purpose of my program is rather silly. A group of six coworkers go to lunch regularly. The program allows one person to pay for the entire lunch tab and receive a credit while keeping track of the others as debits to the pool. No cash changes hands between the six. Rotation is determined by person with the highest positive balance paying for the next meal. |
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Réponse n° 8 -------- le 28/11/2004 @ 06:48 par gmigueis

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OK for next week, of course! |
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Réponse n° 9 -------- le 03/12/2004 @ 22:55 par aldweb

visiteur |
Well, it took me a little bit longer than I expected to build release 3.1. I wanted to release it beginning of this week... but I hold my promess to make it available this week.
Check your e-mail! 
@+ aldweb |
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