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Sujet n° 1586 |
My civ clone |
le 19/10/2007 @ 19:20 par Nate Weil

Here is my thread, so I'm not taking up someone elses thread. If anyone feels so inclined, I'm looking for a resource file with an icon and images for civ. Depth 8, dpi 72, size, something small, but all the same size. images: -settler -warrior -archer -town -grass -water
Also check out my website at http://web.mac.com/lipton_lover/Site_2/Eversoft_home.html it's been updated, and now has a civilization page for updates and info. Thanks! my email is lipton_lover@mac.com |
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Réponse n° 1 -------- le 19/10/2007 @ 22:05 par aldweb

visiteur |
Hello Nate,
To help you get started with images, here is what I would suggest: 1. Start by grabbing the images here: http://civquest.sourceforge.net/graphics/ (better ask for authorization though, because it is an open source project and you plan a shareware) 2. Then, the right tool to migrate the images (that can be resized with Paint or whatever other PC tool) would be PILRC I guess
Cheers, aldweb
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Réponse n° 2 -------- le 19/10/2007 @ 22:20 par Nate Weil

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Thanks, but I'm having fun drawing my own images, and I don't need to worry about copyrights. Are you personally interested in helping? |
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Réponse n° 3 -------- le 19/10/2007 @ 22:28 par Nate Weil

visiteur |
quick update:
please make icons 20-20. I have grass, water, settler, warrior, and archer, but my town doesn't look good, so that's something I need. Thanks! |
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Réponse n° 4 -------- le 25/10/2007 @ 19:58 par Nate Weil(new message)

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I have a few things to say. First, since I broke my zire 31,(lo-res but fast) my dad is letting me use his tungsten T(hi-res, but slow and old) so I can resume working on civ if I can find the time. Tuka told me about just having one super-array called "a", but please answer me a question: How can you... give a potentially huge map an x-y cordinate for every square on that map? give every unit, type of terrain, improvement, building, resource type, etc. an x-y cordinate, defence bonus, offence bonus, offence/defence/movement hinderence/bonus/stat? it seems it would get really confusing... I'm not sure I can pull off a civ after all... in which case I have other plans. You may or may not have tried my game palm skirmish, but it's actually a small hit, and someone even bought it for some reason :D but I can do so much better on it now, and that is my goal. I can give it real buttons, sound effects, all sorts of stuff. So that will be my alternate plan if the civ thing doesn't work out. And also that will be more reasonable for my skill level, and I don't want to take away from Shawn after all his hard work if he decides to sell pocket civ. |
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Réponse n° 5 -------- le 29/10/2007 @ 22:47 par aldweb

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Hello Nate,
I will not help, graphics and icons are always a nightmare for me when I design a new application!
Cheers, aldweb
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Réponse n° 6 -------- le 29/10/2007 @ 23:01 par Nate Weil

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Lol I agree, but that's what makes a program great so I gotta do it anyhow. My website is updated regularly regarding my progress on certain programs etc. so you can see what I'm doing there. Check out my new program Flrolit! |
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Réponse n° 7 -------- le 08/11/2007 @ 18:41 par nate Weil(new message)

visiteur |
I can't believe it myself, but Corn Wars is almost done! Corn wars is the third Battle Strategy game in the BASIC Battle series. It is the project I chose to work on instead of civ, because civ really can't be done at my skill level with izibasic. if you want the list of features, and my Corn Wars diary, go to http://web.mac.com/lipton_lover/Eversoft/Major_Project.html Or you can visit my homepage at http://web.mac.com/lipton_lover/Eversoft/Eversoft_home.html Thanks! Nate |
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