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Réponse n° 1 -------- le 08/12/2004 @ 21:20 par aldweb

visiteur |
No, don't believe that I would not like to write a complete user manual for iziBasic, on the contrary I would love to have a full manual. Now, this would require me a huge work in addition to working on the improvement of iziBasic which I believe is more important at the time being.
Now, to answer your question... you might be surprised! I have been programming in Basic since 20 years or so, so I wrote iziBasic starting with no basis but my experience of many different Basic interpreters and compilers and trying to put the best of what I had found in all these different Basic 'dialects'. I talk of Basic 'dialects' because this is, as far as I know, one of the programming languages that has the most evolved since it was invented (back in 1964 by Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny) and that maybe is one of the less standardized!
This being said, the basics of Basic (sorry for the play on words!) are very similar from one Basic dialect to another one. This is why I focused the comments in the documentation on those things that are 'not common' (not to say 'not standard').
Would anyone find a good and free starters documentation, I think that it would be great to offer the link here to help people new to Basic.
@+ aldweb |