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Sujet n° 1355
PPapplet question.
le 01/02/2006 @ 00:09 par Nevin
I am attempting to implement the 5 way navigator PP applet. I have installed the PP compiler and I have compiled both kTouch.pas on the PP compiler and kTouch.ibas with the iziBasic, but for some reason the 5 way navigator buttons are still not recognized. Could it be that the button codes for the navigator on my lifedrive are different than the T5 that khertan made the applet for? I am almost postive my code is identical to his.
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497 Réponse n° 11 -------- le 10/04/2006 @ 14:53 par bh77a
The problem is that the pp.exe compiler doesn't seem to be running on my TX. I choose to compile the source in PIAF and a white screen flickers for about a second and then I return to the code in PIAF. There is not a compilation report.
The exact same setup works flawlessly on my Tungsten E. Can someone that uses an NVFS device tell me how to get the pp.exe file to stay in real RAM?
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497 Réponse n° 12 -------- le 10/04/2006 @ 19:07 par bh77a
Philippe of PP just set me straight... the solution was to install StdioLib.prc. Thanks for the help.
... running off to the corner to hide his embarassment... Brian