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actif  Sujet n° 1306  PC Emulator to test iziBasic or must you put on Palm

le 30/11/2005 @ 04:51
par Will_3


1 - Is there a Palm Emulator that comes with iziBasic or the ViziBasic utility?

2 - Or must I transfer the program to my Palm Treo after each program modification for testing?

3 - Does the Compiler run on the PC or on the Palm?

4 - How does iziBasic compare to HB++ ??

thanks for any help.

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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 11
le 01/12/2005 @ 17:17
par Richard


Will --

Yes the T3 is the Palm Tungsten. I believe the T5 is the latest Tungsten. The T3 is not wireless unless you buy a card. It is not a cell phone. So, I can't really help you there.

I have a written a couple of little programs. So far, I have done my programming onboard -- at times using my wireless keyboard.

I have the simulator that I have used on occation.

The approach that I have been using is ...

* Create the User Interface with ViziBasic
* Compile through ViziBasic
* Edit User Interface with ViziBasic until it is correct

* Generate the source code through ViziBasic

* Edit the source code with PIAF. (You can't go back to ViziBasic because you will loose your changes)
* Compile through PIAF (Button within the application).
* Edit / Compile until I get it right
* I use BIRD (resource editor) for menus, icons, etc.

PIAF and BIRD -- available through

Hope this helps,

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Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 12
le 01/12/2005 @ 17:40
par aldweb


by lhatch 01/12/2005 @ 14:51

I have not been on the board for many months. What is the current version of iziBasic. Just wondering if any updates have happened. Thanks. I have 5.2 May 24, 2005.

Maybe just give a look to the iziBasic presentation on this web site? Currently, iziBasic is in version 6.0.

Ecrire à aldweb   Poster une réponse  Haut

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 13
le 01/12/2005 @ 17:49
par aldweb


4 - How does iziBasic compare to HB++ ??

iziBasic = one man hobby project
HB++ = professional project

iziBasic = write code in Palm device or in PC
HB++ = write code in PC

iziBasic = compile "onboard", in Palm device (or simulator)
HB++ = compile in PC, then transfer to Palm device (or simulator)

iziBasic = runtime (byte code) compiler
HB++ = real 68k compiler

iziBasic = great
HB++ = maybe even better
The boss of HB++ is a good friend of mine, no competition

Ecrire à aldweb   Poster une réponse  Haut

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Réponse n° 14
le 05/12/2005 @ 17:01
par lhatch


I drag it (the source file) to the PALM simulator and compile it with izibasic on the simulator.

I use the PC to edit, and the simulator to compile, debug, then move it to the REAL palm device.
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