Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /web5/aldweb/www/aldweb_com/www/thread.php on line 497
Answer n° 12 -------- 15/04/2007 @ 02:27 by aldweb
visitor |
OK, if you are stuck... then here is the solution
Here is what the PP applet looks like:
{ FileApplet.pas 'PP applet' for iziBasic Version 1.0ß1 - April 14, 2007 by Laurent Duveau Web Site = http://www.aldweb.com e-Mail = info@aldweb.com
----------------------- What is FileApplet.pas? -----------------------
FileApplet.pas is a fully featured 'PP applet' for iziBasic which is made to delete and copy any type of file, when the COPY and KILL statements in iziBasic are provided with restrictions for security purposes.
This 'PP applet' can be used as is in your iziBasic projects. Please give a look to the FileApplet.ibas sample program source code to see an example of how to access it.
-------------------------- How to use FileApplet.pas? --------------------------
output$ = CALLPP$(100,input$) input$ : "NumFunction[1 Char],Parameter1[,Parameter2]" output$: "1" if success, 0 if failure
Delete one file Parameters: "1,FileName"
Copy one file to another one Parameters : "2,SourceFileName,TargetFileName"
------------------------------- Parametrization and integration in an iziBasic project -------------------------------
Step #1: Replace the 'LDFI' CreatorID in the first line of the source code below to the CreatorID defined in your iziBasic source code (see CREATORID compiling directive) Also replace the 'FileDanger' label in the second line to the name of your application (the part of the iziBasic source code file name prior to the '.ibas' extension)
Step #2: Compile your iziBasic project
Step #3: Compile this 'PP applet' }
{$code appl,LDFI,code,100} program FileDanger;
type iBasFunType=function(S:string):string;
var iBasCallPP:iBasFunType;
// ----------------------- // Palm OS API definitions // -----------------------
{$i PalmAPI.pas} function DmDeleteRecord(dbP:DmOpenRef;index:UInt16):Err; inline(SYSTRAP,$A057);
// ------------------------- // General purpose functions // -------------------------
function ExtractStrI(const sMyString:String;index:UInt8):string; var sResult:String; i,j:UInt8; begin sResult:=''; j:=1; for i:=1 to Length(sMyString) do if sMyString[i]=',' then j:=j+1 else if j=index then sResult:=sResult+sMyString[i]; ExtractStrI:=sResult; end;
function IntToString(N:integer):string; var S:string; begin StrIToA(S,N); IntToString:=S; end;
// --------------------------- // RsrcDB management functions // ---------------------------
function DeleteFile(DBName:String):boolean; var dbID:UInt32; begin if DBName='' then DeleteFile:=false else begin dbID:=DmFindDatabase(0,DBName); if dbID=0 then DeleteFile:=false else DeleteFile:=DmDeleteDatabase(0,dbID)=0; end; end;
function CopyFile(const DBSource,DBTarget:string):boolean; const dmHdrAttrResDB=1; dmHdrAttrBackup=8; dmHdrAttrCopyPrevention=64; DmMaxRecordIndex=-1; var IDSource,IDTarget:LocalID; RefSource,RefTarget:DmOpenRef; MyResH:Memhandle; MyResP:MemPtr; MyResS:UInt32; h:MemHandle; p:MemPtr; NBRecords:Integer; i,j:UInt16; dbID:LocalID; resType:UInt32; resID:UInt16; name:String; attributes,ResAttr:UInt16; t,c:UInt32; Erreur:Err; begin IDTarget:=DmFindDatabase(0,DBTarget); if IDTarget>0 then Erreur:=1 // Target File already exists else begin IDSource:=DmFindDatabase(0,DBSource); if IDSource=0 then Erreur:=1 // Source File does not exist else begin Erreur:=DmDatabaseInfo(0,IDSource,name,attributes,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,t,c); if Erreur=0 then begin // Attributes from Source File were read ResAttr:=attributes and dmHdrAttrResDB; // Is Source File a data or a resource file? name:=DBTarget; Erreur:=DmCreateDatabase(0,name,c,t,ResAttr=1); if Erreur=0 then begin // Target File was created IDTarget:=DmFindDatabase(0,name); if IDTarget=0 then Erreur:=1 // Target File was not found else begin attributes:=attributes or dmHdrAttrBackup; // Set backup bit for Target File Erreur:=DmSetDatabaseInfo(0,IDTarget,nil,attributes,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil); if Erreur=0 then begin // Everything OK, we can now proceed with the file copy RefSource:=DmOpenDatabase(0,IDSource,dmModeReadOnly); if ResAttr=1 then // Resource File to copy NBRecords:=DmNumResources(RefSource) else // Data File to copy NBRecords:=DmNumRecords(RefSource); if NBRecords>0 then begin // Source File is not empty, there are records to copy RefTarget:=DmOpenDatabase(0,IDTarget,dmModeReadWrite); if ResAttr=1 then begin // Resource File copying... for i:=0 to NBRecords-1 do begin MyResH:=DmGetResourceIndex(RefSource,i); MyResS:=MemHandleSize(MyResH); MyResP:=MemHandleLock(MyResH); DmResourceInfo(RefSource,i,resType,resID,nil); h:=DmNewResource(RefTarget,resType,resID,MyResS); if h<>nil then begin p:=MemHandleLock(h); DmSet(p,0,MyResS,0); DmWrite(p,0,MyResP,MyResS); MemHandleUnlock(h); DmReleaseResource(h); end; MemHandleUnlock(MyResH); DmReleaseResource(MyResH); end; end else begin // Data File copying... for i:=0 to NBRecords-1 do begin MyResH:=DmGetRecord(RefSource,i); if MyResH<>nil then begin // Valid record MyResS:=MemHandleSize(MyResH); MyResP:=MemHandleLock(MyResH); j:=i; h:=DmNewRecord(RefTarget,j,MyResS); p:=MemHandleLock(h); DmSet(p,0,MyResS,0); DmWrite(p,0,MyResP,MyResS); MemHandleUnlock(h); DmReleaseRecord(RefTarget,j,false); MemHandleUnlock(MyResH); end else begin // Deleted record, not yet synchronized with HotSync j:=i; DmNewRecord(RefTarget,j,1); DmReleaseRecord(RefTarget,j,false); DmDeleteRecord(RefTarget,j); end; DmReleaseRecord(RefSource,i,false); end; end; end; DmCloseDatabase(RefTarget); end; DmCloseDatabase(RefSource); end; end; end; end; end; CopyFile:=Erreur=0; end;
// ------------------ // PP applet function // ------------------
function CallPP(S:string):string; var WhatToDo:byte; ReportDone:boolean; begin WhatToDo:=StrAToI(S[1]); case WhatToDo of 1: ReportDone:=DeleteFile(ExtractStrI(S,2)); 2: ReportDone:=CopyFile(ExtractStrI(S,2),ExtractStrI(S,3)); else ReportDone:=false; end; CallPP:=IntToString(Ord(ReportDone)); end;
begin iBasCallPP:=CallPP; end.
I hope you realize how the iziBasic KILL and COPY statements are easy and fast to use compared to this applet source code... (that is the whole reason for the iziBasic success story!)
And, here is a sample iziBasic source code to call the PP applet:
' FileDanger.ibas
BEGIN GOSUB _WhatToDo REPEAT INPUT K$ SELECT CASE K$ CASE "1" T$="2,MemoDB,MemoDB~copy" GOSUB _DoIt CASE "2" T$="1,MemoDB~copy" GOSUB _DoIt CASE "3" T$="2,iziBasic,iziBasic~copy" GOSUB _DoIt CASE "4" T$="1,iziBasic~copy" GOSUB _DoIt END SELECT UNTIL K$="5" END
_WhatToDo: PRINT "What to do?" PRINT "1. Copy MemoDB to MemoDB~copy" PRINT "2. Delete MemoDB~copy" PRINT "3. Copy iziBasic to iziBasic~copy" PRINT "4. Delete iziBasic~copy" PRINT "5. Exit" RETURN
_DoIt: P$=CALLPP$(100,T$) CLS GOSUB _WhatToDo PRINT PRINT ">> "; PRINT K$; PRINT " -> "; IF P$="1" THEN PRINT "I did it!" ELSE PRINT "Something went wrong..." ENDIF RETURN
For your convenience, the full package can be downloaded here: izibasic_fileapplet.zip
(and you may use the FileApplet.rsrc resource instead of recompiling the FileApplet.pas file all the time)
Cheers, aldweb