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Topic # 984 |
Wow!? |
13/11/2004 @ 07:46 by John

I just purchased iziBasic, it will provide me with many hrs of learning in palm Basic programming. I did made some programs withPDAT, but this... i can take with me on the road and try to write some programs on the run. I have only one question? Is it possible to have two form, and if yes, than any chances for example? Regards John |
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Answer n° 11 -------- 24/06/2006 @ 14:14 by aldweb

visitor |
Hello Adi,
Maybe send me your project files, that I give a look to them and try to understand where you are blocked...
Cheers, aldweb
@+ aldweb |
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Answer n° 12 -------- 26/06/2006 @ 16:57 by Adi Corrales

visitor |
mmm, I could send it to you, but I think It Doesn't help at all, because as I said, I have nothing about handle forms resorces, I only have code for what I generate from vizibasic...I don't know how to link a button in the resource form, and izibasic. Any way, if you think it can help, I Will send you the code and the resources file, ... If you can only tell me where can I find a reference for working with resources, It will be great. I was locking in every place I can, but there is nothing that explaint to me how to link the resources to the code. |
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Answer n° 13 -------- 27/06/2006 @ 16:42 by Colonel Kernel

visitor |
Adi, The code you described sounds like it should work, but since it isn't, make sure of the following -
1 - Create your form in BIRD (Yes, a great tool). You said your form's ID is 101. Also, make note of the control and field IDs that you put on it. 2 - Link the RSRC file to your iziBasic app with the {RESOURCEFILE "myRSRC.rsrc"} compiling directive. 3 - Open the form with the OPENFORM 101, which you said you did. 4 - Your BIRD-created form is now open, but you still control it with iziBasic. For my Settings form, I read the Settings I stored in Palm's preferences, convert numbers to strings where needed, and then populate the fields on the form. 5 - I then monitor the button actions on that form with a loop in my application. 6 - And finally, after the OK or Cancel button events, I close the form with CLOSEFORM and continue on.
If, after that, your form still isn't showing up, make sure (I'm moving into Customer Service mode, don't be offended these are too simple), make sure you've given your form a height and width (a form of 0 x and 0 y will not show) and a location (same thing). Make sure, as you design your form that you Preview it often (if it doesn't show in BIRD, it won't show in your app).
That's all I have for the moment, hope it helps.
Ciao, Bill |
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Answer n° 14 -------- 29/06/2006 @ 01:42 by Adi Corrales

visitor |
Ok, Basically, what I have is the next:
[c=#00FF00]Headers {RESOURCEFILE "PWG.rsrc"}
More code Blah, Blah Variables, etc
Begin Code from ViziBasic
_GenerateGui Main Form code Blah Blah Button #810, Blah Blah
-EventsLoop Blah Blah Case 810 Gosub _Button_810 Blah Return
_Button_810 Openform 101 Return[/c]
when I hit 810 button, the form 101 is not shown, and the main form stop responding, exepting the about box.
I don´t know if I have to define the labels and so somewhere before or after I call openform, or if izibasic automatically read it from my 101 form and code it and I just have to add some eventloops somewhere....
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Answer n° 15 -------- 29/06/2006 @ 01:55 by Adi Corrales

visitor |
I don't know what I changed, but now it works!
I start to think that maybe it was an old writing mistake, maybe in the name of the resource file, or in the form ID, that I corrected, but I did not recompile my code....
I can see my second form now!
Thanks for all your help!!!!!!! |
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