GOOD NEWS, I have found this weird bug and I just fixed it

It "
only" took me 3 hours tonight

Thanks to Chuck who sent me his source code, without it I would have never found.
The case was happening in some cases (but not always) if the last bytes of a DOC record of 4096 bytes were a comment not breaked into the beginning of the next record!
If the break between records was not after a comment, the bug would never happen.
Hopefully, Chuck comments a lot his source code (something I never do as you could see in the sample source codes shipped with iziBasic, this is bad I know!), so his long source code was very helpfull to me.
And, I would never have searched for such a weird reason!!!

By the way: I just gave a quick look to your source code, for finding where the bug was. And then I spent 2 hours between 2 lines of your code and my iziBasic source code, so I have no idea of what your code does, nor did I execute your software when it would compile fine.
I could only see that your coding manner is very clean. Good job

So, now I am curious

Would you allow me do give a look to it?
Don't hesitate to say no, I would then delete it right away from my PC (this is my "customer privacy policy").