Hello Adi,
The 3 options you describe will work, all of them have pros and cons!
1. This is exactly it, easier to develop somehow, because interactions between forms would have to be managed with preferences, temporary files, using the clipboard...
=> I never use this way of doing
2. This way of doing is the iziBasic "
native" way of doing, everything is in your source code. ViziBasic can then help you design the forms and you will need to copy & paste the forms design code to your main application.
=> This is what I use for small projects, with a few forms
3. For sure the most sophisticated way of proceeding.
=> This is what I use for larger projects, like ViziBasic for instance

The forms have to be designed in a resource file, using one of the BIRD or RsrcEdit tools (don't be sorry for your comment about BIRD, this is a wonderful tool, a must have). The resources are linked to your main application at compilation time by iziBasic. The OPENFORM statement will then do nothing else but opening the form resource (refered by its ID) and displaying it.
At this stage, I don't understand where and why you are blocked???