Today version 0.9 of iBSkeleton is released. iBSkeleton is a source code framework for rapid iziBasic program development. It is also a great learning tool, demonstrating static and dynamic forms, menus,resource files, PP applets, etc.
You can download iBSkeleton here:
http://homepage.mac.com/bahoughton/palmhandheldstuff/ibskeleton.htmlTo use, copy the files to your palm, change program names and creator id's, insert necessary code and compile with iziBasic and PP.
* A more in-depth tutorial is in the planning stages right now.
There are a huge number of changes since the last release to this group, which was 0.3.
Plans for incorporation by version 1.0 are:
- ability to read/write preferences
- tutorial with sample application
- version that will compile with the trial of iziBasic (I think there are a few commands in there that won't work with the trial right now)
- plus a few tweaks, etc.
Hope that you enjoy. Please feel free to use it to study, use as a development tool, etc.
If you have any feedback, suggestions, etc. please e-mail me at bahoughton AT gmail DOT com
Kind regards,