Aldweb, let me just start by saying how impressed I am with your quick responses. It's a rare treat to have the actual developer of a program as available as you are. Thanks!
Since the program is so large I want to change as little as possible and as painlessly as possible. With that in mind I am planning on converting the READ/DATA statements using the WORD$ function that I was happy to find in iziBasic. Here is an example of what I have in mind.
‘Get cursor x y positions
data 14,1,15,2,22,1,23,2,24,3,25,4
data 16,3,17,4,26,5,27,6,28,7,29,8
data 18,1,19,2,30,1,31,2,32,3,33,4
data 20,3,21,4,34,5,35,6,36,7,37,8
for j=1 to 4
for i=1 to 6
read cp(i,j,1)
read cp(i,j,2)
next i
next j
‘Get cursor x y positions
for j=1 to 4
for i=1 to 6
x=I*2-1 : y = I*2
next i
next j
Please let me know if the above iziBasic syntax is incorrect. You will note that I calculated the x/y data locations outside the WORD$ function because I didn't know if I can do them within the WORD$ function itself.
As far the the bitmaps go, it seems like you are suggestion that I redraw all my graphics again from scratch using using BIRD or RsrcEdit. That would not be my first choice.
That's why I was hoping I could somehow use the raw value for the bitmaps that I already have. Barring that, is there a way I could cut and paste the already drawn images into BIRD or RsrcEdit?
Thanks again for your patient attention to all this!