Hello Hayden,
Welcome among us, crazy iziBasic developers
Your point #1: You are right about this limit, it is very constricting for large projects, not too much for most "quick" projects which was the initial goal for iziBasic.
I started to study how to overpass this limit, which is not so easy to remain compatible back to OS 3.0 and not to loose to much of the current good execution speed.
About dimensions, you can easily build a multidimensional array in a one dimension array.
Let's say that you want to build a 10x5 array, something like Array(1..10,1..5).
Then, knowing the I and J indexes, a position is found this way:
Then A(P)=Array(I,J).
Note: we add 27 because the first 26 values of the A() array in iziBasic are duplicates for the A-Z variables, which I think is very convenient.
The other way is just as easy:
So that Array(I,J)=A(P)
Your point #2: PEEK the way you explain it would not really work in a Palm device, it was working great in my old Commodore 64
I added tonight a new PGET(X,Y) function to iziBasic to get the pixel color at position (X,Y). So, it will be made available in a few days, in the next upgrade release.
Another way would have been to know the WinGetPixel() Palm OS API call, and to use a PP applet in a very similar way to the one I used in a
recent thread on this forum.
Your point #3: Good answer from Montalvo.
It's good to remember Pythagore, Thales and a few other Greek antic people from time to time