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The aldweb site is 10 years old!!!
- On February 11th, 2009, my web site had been online for 10 years.
. Lack of free time did not allow me to refresh it a little bit before today, but the day has come to celebrate these 10 years. - First visible effect of this event is that I finally took the time to migrate my web site to the latest version of the GuppY web portal which, let's remember..., was born here January 1st, 2003 but was named miniPortail at the time, and I have put a brand new site skin (thanks to Papinou for his huge help in providing me this relooking).
- As a consequence, I invite you to answer to the new poll to tell me what you think of it, the previous poll (the 6th one) having given a nice and friendly result.
- Would you like to see how my web site evolved over these 10 years, then give a look to the Old stories page.
- I also updated the yearly visits statistics and I am very happy to know that almost 1300 people come to my web site every day.
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