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Updates as of July 9th, 2003 - by aldweb 09/07/2003 @ 23:53

  • All threads of the miniPortail forum miniPortail which had been initiated before the 1st of June, 2003 were archived in a dedicated space, so as to speed up a little bit the site. These messages are now available here.
    This is a good example for seing how 2 miniPortail installed on the same site can communicate together
  • I also reactivated the miniPortail Links list which had been unactivated about two months ago when a miniPortail security issue had been found. Since then, webmasters have had time to secure their web sites. This reactivation was the right time to update the list with a few sites to remove (17) and many new ones to add (33).
    You will, thanks to these links, discover a few dizains of web sites made with miniPortail. Their diversity surprises me just every day
  • Let's rest a little bit with the new page miniPortail with Linux, QNX...

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