News |
- Almost 2 months have passed without any news on this site... but the work kept going on in the background and, as a result, a new version of miniPortail is about to be ready with a lot of new functionalities and a huge surprise
 I would like to thank here the whole team that gathered around this project for their support and help, and a very special thank you to Nicolas. - Update of the Danish and Russian languages modules for miniPortail (thanks Per Kongebro and eugenij).
Let's add that miniPortail is 100% available in Russian (demonstration database included) here : RussianPortals (thanks Victor for advising me). - I updated the site's statistics. I am very happy with the exponential number of visitors who come to the aldweb Site
 - A new version of PgmPP has been released, PgmPP being a set of sample programs for PP (on board Pascal compiler for Palm OS devices).
- I added my 3 last articles about Palm programming on PeekPocket.
To be especially noticed is the birth of the PPCompiler portal made by my friend Palmipod... using miniPortail . - In the Donation page, I added the possibilité to donate in Euro (in addition to the Dollar currency). Thanks to think about donating me if you appreciate this site and my work
 - Set up a new poll. The results of the previous polls are still available.
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