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Updates as of April 22nd , 2003 - by aldweb 22/04/2003 @ 23:47

  • Today's great news is the availability of the version 2.2 of miniPortail, full of improvements and new features. Highlights:
    1. much better customization possibilities (lateral latérales can be placed wherever you want, a 2nd articles box...)
    2. there is now a very useful WYSIWIG editor in the admin area
    3. a management of smileys themes
    4. a better compatibility with old PHP3 servers
    5. a faster pages displaying
    6. and so on...
    I would like to give here a very special THANK YOU to Nicolas Alves who provided most of these new functionalities and who took the time to code them. It is a great pleasure for me that Nicolas joined to develop miniPortail. THANKS again Nicolas
  • A new language has been added to miniPortail being Indonesian (thanks Surat).

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