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15 years later... - by aldweb 22/04/2024 @ 14:44

It's been years since I last published anything on my website. And yet, how many things have happened over the past 15 years!
I continued to be passionate about pocket computers from the 80s as well as about Palms from the 90s, now also in enthusiast collections, I built and developed lots of IoT gadgets (air quality boxes, radiation counters...), and many other projects.

But time has taken its toll and some of my virtual friends left too soon. I would like to pay them a modest tribute here.

Christophe Le Glatin died on July 15, 2022 at the age of 55.
Christophe contacted me in 2000, by e-mail. A trace of his work has been visible for many years on my site, on the page of The hidden side of the Sharp PC-1211 which he had kindly authorized me to place on my site so as not to lose the reference. Another article by Christophe can be found on the website, L'ordinateur de poche Casio PB-700.

Jean Millet died on February 5, 2023 at the age of 76.
Jean was the most active member of the freeGuppY project that I initiated here in 2002. Jean was the president of the association freeGuppY from June 2007 until his death. For almost 20 years, Jean carried the torch of my project on which I had only spent 2 years, ensuring it a very long life.

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