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  • New version of my Speedy Palm freeware which is now ranked number 22 in the most used Palm software according to TrackerDog's ranking (please refer to previous news just under for the links).
  • Also to be noted in this same ranking are the arrivals of SysInfo at position 52 and of NekoCat in 97th position! Tonight, aldweb will open a bottle of champagne
  • New page in the Palm Knowledge area, that I called DragonBall vs ARM.

  • Happy New Year to all of you.
    The aldweb Site is still alive, even though it has not been very active during the past two months
    But, 2003 was a great year for the hobby activities that I gather on this aldweb Site. It started quick as the 1st of January 2003 I upgraded my old HTML website to a brand new PHP portal that I had been building during the three previous months. I called it miniPortail... and this thing was such a success that it changed of name to become GuppY and even to have its dedicated website:
    Other main achievements are mainly to be found in the Palm area. SysInfo, Speedy and PalmPulus were upgraded all over the year and the 3 of them are really performing well.
    In one month, my aldweb Site will even be 5 years old, and I am quite excited about it
  • My Speedy freeware for Palm is rated, as of today, as the number 40 most used software on Palm devices at the Top 100 Popular Palm Softwares, ranking established by TrackerDog. This is quite a progress since beginning of November, and having Speedy being 40th out of 20.000 software makes me feel very happy as you can imagine
  • By the way, a new version of Speedy will be released soon, it has been ready for about one month now but I just could not find any free time to put it online

  • My Speedy freeware for Palm is rated, as of today, as the 72nd most used software on Palm devices at Top 100 Popular Palm Softwares, ranking established by TrackerDog. When you know that the use of more than 18.000 software is tracked on this website, I am very honored by the ranking result obtained for Speedy!

  • For those of you who like to customize their Palm software and therefore have installed the must have tool for this, being RsrcEdit, I prepared a little "goodie" which enhances RsrcEdit's main window.
  • New version 2.0 of the PalmPulus game, my own small version for Palm devices of the well-known Populous...

  • First of all, I would like to apologize to you for the slowlyness of my website since a few days . My webhoster is not as reliable as it used to be and I am the first one sorry for this . I am going to start studying alternative hosting solutions.
  • I have put online MatchesHB. This is my first program made with HB++, this great RAD development tool for Palm OS. After having used it for a little while, I have to say that HB++ is as great as someone could expect it to be, users support is excellent (I was helped by the General Manager himself, yes Sir!), well this development was made very quickly even though I had not programmed anything in "Basic" since more than 10 years. As a gift, the source code if MatchesHB is offered to all developpers who, just like me, are discovering the HB++ programming because we only learn well with examples
  • I have added a new The aldweb network webpage to try to show you how my website interacts and cooperates very actively with other very close websites from the aldweb Site.

  • The Speedy benchmark tool for Palm OS devices has been upgraded to version 3.1.

  • The SysInfo system tool for Palm OS devices has been upgraded to version 2.6.

  • The Speedy benchmark tool for Palm OS devices has been upgraded to version 3.0. This is a major release as it now behaves fine with ARM devices.
  • I upgraded the site stats.
  • Opened the possibility to leave reactions or comments to articles, a nice feature provided by version 2.4 of GuppY.

  • Today's great news is that miniPortail, the easy webportal in PHP which requires no database to run, became "GuppY". It leaves this website and now has its dedicated website:

  • A new poll is online. Your vote is interesting for me . The results of the previous poll are available here.
  • Updated the pages about my Cells, Matches, NekoCat and Numerus Palm freeware with a direct download link to the PP source code.
  • Updated the Palm Programming Links page to put the new official URL for PP and to cancel the one of the deceased PeekPocket site
  • Updated the Bench2 page, with the benchmark results for the new versions of PP and PocketC, and the brand new results for OrbForms Designer, a very nice RAD development tool for Palm OS.
  • As miniPortail is concerned, it is to be noticed the publishing of the beautiful user manual made by Zerg for the French latest version of miniPortail, immediately translated to English by WackJacko . Thanks to both of you for this great job
  • miniPortail again : SCOOP Version 2.4 is almost ready to be put online. You can expect lots of new functionalities (suspense! ) and a huge reengineering of the internal engine.
  • Added 22 new links to websites made with miniPortail. What a productivity!
  • All messages of the miniPortail forum written between the 1st of August 2003 and the 31st of August 2003 have been moved in the miniPortail Archive Forum.
  • To end up with miniPortail, I added a new page so called Security Patches which I invite you to read very carefully. It would also be wise from you to come and read it again from time to time...

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