News |
- One more time, all updates on my web site are linked to my Palm development activities, and they are especially centered around iziBasic.
- I am happy to announce the release of version 4.0 of iziBasic, with the addition of many features which justify the major release numbering. The new features are so many that I let you discover them on its web page.
As from this version 4, I believe that iziBasic became a really mature Basic onboard development tool for Palm devices.
- I also worked on upgrading PIAF, the original DOC editor for PP, to make it compatible with iziBasic.
So, iziBasic now has an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
- NekoCat (cute little chat which goes through a series of activities on the screen) and Matches (Marienbad game), now both developed with iziBasic, were also upgraded.
- Today's main news is the release of version 3.2 of iziBasic, with the correction of a few bugs (yes there were still a few of those!)
- Christmas will arrive soon! So I prepared a little gift for all my visitors who are the lucky owners of a Palm device. It can be downloaded here: iBChristmas.zip
- Today's main news is the release of version 3.1 of iziBasic, with the correction of a few bugs (yes there were some!), the addition of a few required features and an optimization of events management. I take the opportunity of this news to thank the active users of iziBasic who helped me a lot so far, here on the iziBasic forum.
- NekoCat (cute little chat which goes through a series of activities on the screen) was also ported to iziBasic which becomes, like Matches and Numerus previously, the reference development platform for this software.
- iBClock, Matches and Numerus also deserved a little technical upgrade.
- Last but not least, Speedy, the reference benchmark software for Palm OS devices, was upgraded to version 4.1. Were added benchmark values for 4 devices. There are now 75 devices referenced in Speedy's database!
- Today's main news is the release of version 3.0 of SysInfo (system tool for Palm OS). It will have required me a little bit more than one year to bring this major upgrade to reality!
- I also updated the PgmPP bundle, which groups together the source codes of sample programs and of general purpose Pascal units (among which the famous PalmAPI.pas unit to access to the Palm OS API) useful for Palm OS Pascal (or "PP" for the close friends) developers. PgmPP is now in version 7.
- Apdi2003 very kindly proposed me the French translation of the iziBasic User Manual.
This manual is available for download on iziBasic's page. THANK YOU very much Apdi2003
- Today, iziBasic also received a wonderful review of the famous English Palm247 website. You may access to this review by clicking on the image here after:
I especially appreciated this review because I believe that it explains extremely well all aspects of iziBasic.
- Release of version 3.0 of PalmPulus with many enhancements to improve this game's challenge and which I let you discover on its web page.
- Today's main news is the release of version 3.0 of iziBasic (sophisticated BASIC compiler to develop Palm software, running directly on-board of your Palm device). iziBasic has become since its very first release beginning of last summer a powerful development tool, which now comes with a real mathematical parser and many other enhancements which I let you discover on its webpage.
- I updated myBench2 study (a benchmarking study of the different development tools for Palm) with the arrival of AppForge (thanks to Ingbert Grimpe).
- As a consequence of the new version of iziBasic, I upgraded Matches (Marienbad game for Palm) and iBClock (various clocks for Palm).
- Numerus (calculator in Roman numerals for Palm) was also ported to iziBasic which becomes, like for Matches, the reference development platform for this software.
- Many thanks to all of you who kindly told me that they were much happier with the recovered speed of this website, it is very clear that browsing it is much more pleasant now!
Let's thank all generous donators of the aldweb Site. It is thanks to them that I could offer a quality webhosting to my web site.
Today, 14th of October, just 10 days after its new release, I am very happy to see that Speedy is ranked number 16 in the Top 50 Monthly Downloads at PalmGear. Yes, 16th out of several dizains of thousands of software...
- New upgraded version for Speedy, the reference benchmark software for Palm OS devices. There are now 72 devices referenced in Speedy's database!
- I also upgraded Matches (Marienbad game for Palm), almost 2 years after its last update! Matches was fully rewritten in iziBasic with a new animation for the matches which now burn when they are removed
- I rewrote the My Palm Freeware and My Palm Shareware pages.
- I added a new Win-1360 Simulator software in the Pocket Computer devices area.
- Just a quick news to say that I changed of web hoster, for a much faster web hosting than the previous one... I hereby thank all generous donators of the aldweb Site and of the GuppY site thanks to whom this change was made possible from a financial point of view.
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