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article.gifV. iziBasic Palm - 4. iziBasic - Resources

iziBasic Help Forum

The iziBasic forum is ment to let you exchange with other iziBasic developers questions, tips and experience, or any information that you would like to share.

iziBasic Yahoo! Group

Montalvo had this great and generous idea of launching a Yahoo! Group dedicated to iziBasic.

Note : This Yahoo! Group is not very active. The sharing space for iziBasic developers is rather the forum on my web site (see above) which is, on the opposite of the Yahoo! Group, very animated.

iziBasic Wiki

An iziBasic Wiki is available here:

Note :This wiki is brand new and needs to be populated for the time being. It is password protected in data input to avoid being spammed. Who ever would like to contribute is more than welcome, just drop me an e-mail and I will send you the password.

PP applets for iziBasic

Khertan extends the capabilities of iziBasic by using,with panache, PP applets. He provides their source codes and demystifies by this way their apparent difficulty.

iziBasic in Japan

Tuka san did this great job of translating the iziBasic user manual to Japanese and made it available online, together with several open source applications and PP applets.
The iziBasic manual in Japanese is here:
And the applications developped by Tuka san are here:

Creation date : 24/01/2005 @ 21:58
Last update : 17/09/2007 @ 18:12
Category : V. iziBasic Palm

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