Sharp Pocket Computer 1360 - Competence CenterDeeper use of the Sharp PC-1360 with Machine Language How to avoid systematic ALL RESET...It took me quite a while to understand the clue that I will explain here. I have two RAM cards in my Sharp PC-1360. When using them in SET MEM B mode, some of my Machine Language programs would not work and bring me Error messages or, worst, a ALL RESET request. When using them in SET MEM C mode (only the first RAM card is active in this case), the same programs would work fine. I finally got to figure out that X register is used by the Sharp PC-1360 to point to some RAM addresses in SET MEM B mode. So, before using the IX, DX, IXL and DXL opcodes that all manage with XL and XH registers (having X = XL + 256 x XH) or even before putting any value in these two registers, you should always save these registers and then restore them back before the final RTN instruction. PockASM code: ORG 33000 XL_REG EQU 4 XH_REG EQU 5 YL_REG EQU 6 YH_REG EQU 7 SAVEX: DW 0 # Place to save X Register BEGIN: LIDP SAVEX # DP <- @(SAVEX) LP XH_REG # P points to XH MVDM # [DP] <- [P] (save XH value) LIDP SAVEX+1 # DP <- @(SAVEX+1) LP XL_REG # P points to XL MVDM # [DP] <- [P] (save XL value) ############################################# # insert your Machine Language program here # ############################################# END: LIDP SAVEX # DP <- @(SAVEX) LP XH_REG # P points to XH MVMD # [P] <- [DP] (restore XH value) LIDP SAVEX+1 # DP <- @(SAVEX+1) LP XL_REG # P points to XL MVMD # [P] <- [DP] (restore XL value) RTN |
 BEEP in Machine LanguageOn most Sharp Pocket Computers, and especially on the Sharp PC-1360, the beeper is associated with the XOUT line, managed by bits 5, 6 and 7 of the Control Port (at address &5F of Internal RAM, OUTC opcode). The following ML program outputs a beep of a given tone and for a given period of time (the addresses are given as an example, they should be adapted as explained in my Web page about ML) . PockASM code: $ JR # compilation instruction set ORG 33000 K_REG EQU 8 L_REG EQU 9 M_REG EQU 10 PORTC EQU 95 TONE: DB 0 # Beep Tone (set by Basic program) DURAT: DW 0 # Beep Duration (set by Basic program) BEEP: LIDP TONE # DP <- @(TONE) LP M_REG # P points to M MVMD # [P] <- [DP] LIDP BEEP2+1 # DP <- @(BEEP2+1) = where to poke frequency MVDM # [DP] <- [P] , we poke frequency LIDP DURAT # DP <- @(DURAT) LP L_REG # P points to L MVMD # [P] <- [DP] LIDP DURAT+1 # DP <- @(DURAT+1) LP K_REG # P points to K MVMD # [P] <- [DP] LIB 0 # B <- 0 LIA 1 # A <- 1 BEEP1: LIP PORTC # P points to PortC ORIM 16 # [P] <- [P] or 16 (update PortC) OUTC # Init Beeper BEEP2: WAIT 0 # We need to poke the right tone value at the place we put 0 ANIM 233 # [P] <- [P] and 233 (update PortC) OUTC # Update Beeper LP K_REG # P points to K SBB # [P+1,P] <- [P+1,P] - (B,A) , Duration is decreased of 1 unit JRNZM BEEP1 # if Duration <> 0 then go back RTN # Exit |
The Basic program that will use this ML program looks like this : 10 CLS : WAIT 0 20 FOR A=33000 TO 33040 30 READ B 40 POKE A,B 50 NEXT A 60 INPUT "TONE=";T 70 INPUT "DURATION=";D 80 DH= INT (D/256) 90 DL=D-256*DH 100 POKE 33000,T,DH,DL 110 CALL 33003 120 END 130 DATA 0,0,0,16,128,232,138,85,16,129 140 DATA 8,83,16,128,233,137,85,16,128,234 150 DATA 136,85,3,0,2,1,18,95,97,16 160 DATA 223,78,0,96,233,223,136,21,41,13 170 DATA 55 |
 INKEY$ in Machine LanguageIn the Sharp PC-1360, the pressing of key will be tracked with the use of two ports : - the standard I/O Port A
- and one unusual port that will be at address &3E00. We wil call it the K port for Keyboard port.
These two ports are building a key matrix to tell what keys' pressings to look for. The result, meaning the pressed key, will always be found in the I/O Port A.  The following ML program outputs a value to the I/O Port A and to the K Port, and awaits for a valid key to be pressed then returns the I/O Port A value as from the pressed key (the addresses are given as an example, they should be adapted as explained in my Web page about ML) . PockASM code: $ JR # compilation instruction set ORG 33000 PORTA EQU 92 # I/O Port A internal RAM address PORTK EQU 15872 # K Port external RAM address IA_IN: DB 0 # I/O Port A input value (set by Basic program) K_IN: DB 0 # K Port input value (set by Basic program) VALUE: DB 0 # I/O Port A return value storage LIDP IA_IN # DP points to I/O Port A input value LIP PORTA # P points to I/O Port A MVMD # [P] <- [DP] (I/O Port A now contains IA_IN value) OUTA # Initialization of the I/O Port A LIDP K_IN # DP points to K Port input value LDD # A <- [DP] (A now contains K_IN value) LIDP PORTK # DP points to K Port STD # [DP] <- A (K Port now containts K_IN value) KEYIN: INA # A <- I/O Port A, if a valid key is pressed, A will # receive the value according to the matrix CPIA 0 # Sets Zero Flag if A is equal to zero JRZM KEYIN # Go back to KEYIN if no key was pressed, meaning A is equal to zero LIDP VALUE # DP now points to the return value storage address STD # [DP] <- A, the return value storage now contains the value of A RTN # Return, exit from ML program and goes back to Basic |
The Basic program that will use this ML program looks like this : 10 CLS : WAIT 0 20 FOR A=33000 TO 33027 30 READ B 40 POKE A,B 50 NEXT A 60 INPUT "I/O PORT A = ";I 70 INPUT "KEYBOARD PORT = ";K 80 POKE 33000,I,K 90 PRINT "PRESS A KEY..." 100 CALL 33003 110 PRINT "RESULT I/O PORT A = "; PEEK (33002) 120 END 130 DATA 0,0,0,16,128,232,18,92,85,93 140 DATA 16,128,233,87,16,62,0,82,76,103 150 DATA 0,57,4,16,128,234,82,55 |
Date de création : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
Dernière modification : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
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