Cells is a port of the popular "Game of Life" invented in 1970 by John Conway. In an automata universe, cells follow very basic rules to survive, be born or die in a turn based simulation.
Notice: the PP version of Cells includes an optimized routine for Palm OS devices which accelerates calculations and displaying of cells in an incredible way. You just have to give it a try
Creation date : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
Last update : 30/04/2007 @ 18:13
Category : III. Palm Freeware
Joli! - mais je m'attendais à une utilisation autre de la couleur (p.ex. pour afficher le nombre de voisins....)
Reaction #1
by Chris Burton 03/11/2003 @ 06:04
Very cool, and surprisingly entertaining. Conway's "Life" is old school, but this is the very best implementation of it I've ever seen on any platform. If you ever get around to revisiting it, my suggestions are to allow more saved games, and to provide a catalog of some of the more interesting patterns. Thanks for a neat addition to the Palm world!