III. Gratuitiels Palm - 7. LaFac |
LaFacCopyright (C) 2004-2006 Laurent Duveau LaFac- Version : 1.2 (Novembre 2006)
- Gratuitiel pour :
 - Langue :
 - Ecran :
 - Fichier téléchargeable : lafac.zip (371 Ko)
LaFac signifie : LAnguage FACtory pour Palm, bref l'usine à langages de développement. LaFac est un outil de développement qui fonctionne directement depuis votre Palm. LaFac possède un compilateur p-code pour les 4 langages de développement disponibles (des compilateurs p-code en une passe), une machine virtuelle p-code, un débugger, et un module de création d'applications autonomes. LaFac contient actuellement 4 langages de développement : 1. Hellish & Esoteric Language for Palm = HELP (mon invention) 2. micro BASic = µBAS3. micro PAScal = µPAS4. micro C = µCListe des améliorationsMerci de vous référer à la version anglaise de cette page sur LaFac.
Date de création : 05/06/2004 @ 23:20
Dernière modification : 30/04/2007 @ 19:24
Catégorie : III. Gratuitiels Palm
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Réactions à cet article |
Réaction n°10 |
par aldweb
le 30/01/2008 @ 08:01 |
Hello Mark,
Since LaFac is a one simple pass compiler, all GOTO statements must refer to a [jumpmark] that is defined ahead in the program. So you should write your source code this way:
BEGIN PRINT "Try to stop this programm!" START: INPUT A IF A=666 then GOTO GOTIT GOTO START
Cheers, aldweb
Réaction n°9 |
par Mark Wagner
le 29/01/2008 @ 20:45 |
Dear Laurent,
this might be a stupid request - but I am just stuck with what i know. I am trying to set a god old "If a=x then GOTO ...[jumpmark]"-Command using LaFac - Micro Basic. It does not seem to work eather way I try. (compilation error). Is there a chart on your site or anywhere on the net, that explains all the commands that work on the Basic Version that you used.
SIMPLE Example for what I am trying to do:
BEGIN PRINT "Try to stop this programm!" START: INPUT A IF A=666 then GOTO GOTIT GOTO START
THANX A LOT. Don't hesitate, to simply send Your Answer to my eMail, if thats fine with you.
Great Programm man!
Réaction n°8 |
par aldweb
le 21/01/2006 @ 15:34 |
Hello Jared,
You must have hundreds of memo records to get a time lag when loading LaFac.
For graphics and sound support, this is not planned at all in LaFac. LaFac was my proof of concept for a runtime compiler, and the enhanced version, focused on the BASIC language only, with graphics and sound support (and many, many other things!), is iziBasic 
Cheers, aldweb
Réaction n°7 |
par Jared
le 17/01/2006 @ 22:05 |
LOVE IT. It would be nice if you could add an option-"not scan on start"-, because its annoying to have to wait. Also-any graphics, sound support?
Réaction n°6 |
par Werner
le 24/07/2004 @ 15:19 |
I have to correct my first message. Actually the program does *not* crash! It just needs about 30 seconds to scan all my memos. Meanwhile it only *seems* to have crashed - 30 seconds subjectively is quite a long time!
Spécial ! |
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