VII. Pocket Computer - 5. PC-E500 Forth compiler |
ANS Forth compiler for the Sharp PC-E500by Sébastien Furic Sébastien Furic worked in developing a full ANS Forth compiler for the Sharp PC-E500 a few years ago (back in 2001-2003) and he was nice enough to send me (in September 2007) the source code and the materials to make it available here for everybody. This page is just a repository for Sébastien's work, I did not participate in this development and I can hardly help anybody in using or enhancing this great Forth compiler as I do not know the PC-E500 well myself. All information I have was kindly shared with Sébastien on my Pocket Computer forum: - Thread #2 - Answer #4 (August 28th, 2002): Sébastien announces the development of this ANS Forth Compiler
- Thread #12 (September 18th, 2002): a rich exchange of e-mails between Claude and Sebastien. Sorry, they are both French, so the topic was written in French (please use an online translator for reading it)
- Thread #13 (September 18th, 2002): some more information
- Thread #391 (June 3rd, 2003): still some more information, in French
- Thread #1575 (September 1st, 2007): Sébastien is still alive!
Downloadable File : pce500forth.zip (78 Kb) Note: anybody having the knowledge and willing to help me enhance the repository web page for Sébastien's Forth compiler is more than welcome.
Creation date : 26/09/2007 @ 23:07
Last update : 27/09/2007 @ 21:58
Category : VII. Pocket Computer
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Reactions to this article |
Reaction #4 |
by Sebastien 22/10/2021 @ 16:18 |
Dear Robert, Laurent recently told me about your project. This is great! I'm happy to see that my work is still useful for somebody today! It wasn't indicated in the original sources but my original software comes with a copyleft licence, so feel free to copy, modify, etc., and release as free software! (I saw you did) I'm quite busy today with other software projects (among others) but I hope I will be able to give your software a try in the near future! Best Regards, Sébastien Furic.
Reaction #3 |
by RobertVanEngelen 01/09/2021 @ 15:42 |
The free and improved Forth500 system is available here: https://github.com/Robert-van-Engelen/Forth500 . I also wrote a new manual on how to use Forth. The Forth500 system source is open, extendable and heavily documented.
Reaction #2 |
by RobertVanEngelen 13/08/2021 @ 21:55 |
This is fantastic work done by Sébastien Furic. Thank you for sharing! I rewrote the Forth compiler to be standards-compliant (2012) and added more words to the system. I've optimized the assembly code to run faster and made the code base more compact (18K). I also found the XASM assembler source code (in Turbo Pascal) and rebuild XASM using FreePascal after making some minor changes. I want to post my Forth500 project on GitHub for everyone interested in using Forth on the PC-E500. I wonder if Sébastien Furic has placed any constraints on his work, such as licenses?
- Robert
Reaction #1 |
by HubbY
17/03/2008 @ 23:53 |
Ha ben tient c'est marrant que tu t'interesse au forth,
ici tu trouvera un indice qui te metterons la puce à l'oreille.
à bientôt
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