aldweb Palm applications on a Pocket PC |
 As of April 2007 and since many months now, many people are wondering what the future of Palm will be... In this overall anxious mood, I decided to perform a quick test to see if my Palm applications would run smoothly within the StyleTap platform on Windows Pocket PC. The result is quite amazing and can be seen (with printscreens) here under. For your information, the tests were performed with Microsoft Device Emulator v8.0.50727.42, StyleTap v1.0.025 on its 14-day trial license, and the most up to date version of each of my applications as of today (April 30th, 2007). Note: update (on September 17th, 2007) for iziBasic and viziBasic, now compatible.
Creation date : 30/04/2007 @ 16:38
Last update : 17/09/2007 @ 19:29
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Reactions to this article |
Reaction #7 |
by palmipod
23/09/2007 @ 08:22 |
il paraît que StyleTap fonctionne aussi sur Smartphone WM5, je vais tenter le coup ... @+  de passage par la capitale des Gaulles ?
Reaction #6 |
by aldweb
05/07/2007 @ 11:08 |
Bonjour TomA,
La prochaine version d'iziBasic, que je m'apprête à publier très prochainement, fonctionnera parfaitement sous StyleTap.
La plupart des applications développées en iziBasic se comportent très bien sous StyleTap, en tout cas toutes celles que j'ai écrites. Ainsi, dans la liste ci-dessus, tu retrouves Matches, NekoCat, Numerus, iBClock, tinyBasic, iBrainF*ck.
@+ aldweb
Reaction #5 |
by TomA
05/07/2007 @ 10:31 |
Tiens aldweb, une petite question : certes iziBasic lui-même ne tourne pas correctement sous StyleTap, mais est-ce que des applications faites avec iziBasic fonctionnent ?
Reaction #3 |
by Khertan
08/05/2007 @ 02:15 |
Tu vas pas t'y mettre toi aussi !!!!
Grrr pocket pc ... pffffff
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