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article.gifII. PC Freeware - 1. My PC Freeware

My Freeware for PC

Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Laurent Duveau

My free programs, also called "freeware" in computer technology's language, can be downloaded from this site. Just click on the freeware name to access to the full description of the program (including screenshot) and the download area.

  • Gestion de Projet : a very easy to use tool for creating Gantt graphs and simulating projects' lead time (I personnaly use this software to plan and manage all projects that I have to follow in my professionnal activity).
  • Ma Page Web : very simple assistant to create Internet pages.
  • Mémo Friends : little program to register and remember informations like address or phone number of your friends and family. This program will also remember you when to wish them their birthday or any other very special day for them.

  • Let's add PockASM, my free SC61860 macro assembler for Sharp Pocket Computers of the 1980's (give a look to the Pocket Computer page).

These little programs that I developped during my free time are free of charge for the following reasons :

  1. I win money working for a company, so my first objective is to invest myself as much as possible in this job.
  2. Therefore, I do not have the goal to maintain and have these little programs evolve on a regular basis, even though I use them just every day. I would then really feel very bad to have you pay for using them.
  3. Then, I have obtained much more than money by giving these freeware. Many people have been so delighted to use them, that they became friends, what is much more valuable than getting a litlle money.

However, if you like my web site and find any of my freeware programs useful, please consider making a donation to show your support.

Development of the version 4.0 of Gestion de Projet freeware as well as of the version 3.1 of Mémo Friends freeware are on-going.

Thank you to all of you who so often get in touch with me to ask when these new versions full of improvement will be available. The answer as of today is : I do not know, my free time has decreased a lot these last months and my new desires (Palm programming) have highly reduced my work on these two freeware programs.

For your information, these programs have been proven and validated by several people, and this for some months before beeing released on the Internet.

These programs are developped with Delphi : they do not need any run-time or any other supplementary files.

They are "ready to use" in the way that the installation is simple and clean. Downloaded files just need to be executed (.exe auto-extractable).

My development tools are under anti-virus control all the time, but I am not the only one to use the PCs on which I develop (my wife, my friends, etc...). You would be right to check the downloaded files.

Creation date : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
Last update : 30/04/2007 @ 15:34
Category : II. PC Freeware

react.gifReactions to this article

Reaction #4 

by dispendendeo 30/03/2005 @ 00:03

merci pour ce site fort simple d'application mais complexe de part ses différentes ouvertures... t'es un gagnant!

Reaction #3 

by Nanucq 13/05/2004 @ 16:15

Je viens de découvrir ce moteur et ça me redonne envie de me lancer dans mon site perso. C'est vraiment du beau boulot, simple et bien documenté. Encore bravo

Reaction #2 

by AfroDurf 24/02/2004 @ 14:59


hé bien beau site et ton logiciel project est vraiment sympa mais je pense que ta version 4 sera encore mieux.

je l'ai pas mal testé. Bref bon courage et merci pour ton taffe

Reaction #1 

by der3 26/01/2004 @ 00:15

site très sympa clair net mémo est simple d'utilisation et suffit largement pour ce genre d'applications félicitations

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